Daily Archives: June 26, 2023

2023-06-26: News Headlines

greenleft.org.au (2023-06-26). World Whistleblower Day protest calls for Assange's release. greenleft.org.au

Editor (2023-06-25). Why Julian Assange Must Be Freed. scheerpost.com

_____ (2023-06-25). A iminente extradicao de Julian Assange e a morte do jornalismoPublicado originalmente por Patria Latina. strategic-culture.org By Chris HEDGES | O juiz da Suprema Corte Jonathan Swift — que anteriormente trabalhou para uma variedade de agências governamentais britânicas como advogado e disse que os seus clientes favoritos sà£o "as agências de seguranàßa e inteligência" — rejeitou duas petiàßàµes de apelaàßà£o dos advogados de Julian Assange contra a sua extradiàßà£o na semana passada. A ordem de extradiàßà£o foi assinada em junho passado pela Secretária do Interior do Reino Unido, Priti Patel. A equipe legal de Julian deu entrada numa petiàßà£o final de a…

Bay Action To Free Julian Assange (2023-06-25). Monday 7/3: Rally On Julian's Birthday To Free Julian Assange & IFJ Journalist Mumia Abu-jamal. indybay.org Harry Bridges Plaza | Across The Street From Ferry Building | San Francisco…

Craig Murray, Consortium News. (2023-06-25). Daniel Ellsberg's Day In Court For Julian Assange. popularresistance.org The massive obituaries to Daniel Ellsberg last weekend in both The New York Times and Washington Post were proof of the status he held in the United States. | Only presidents get an obituary that size. | His name was not nearly so widely known in the U.K. | I first met Dan on 3 May 2006 when we were giving a joint presentation at Berkeley. The large hall was full to overflowing and to my surprise there were young students queuing outside and striving to listen on stairways through open doors. | The large majority of the audience were not born when Dan leaked the Pentagon Papers in 1971.

Editor (2023-06-25). A Wild, Conspiratorial, Fantastical View of World Politics: Might It Be True? scheerpost.com The modus operandi of the Deep State is to prepare the ground for destruction of any nation deemed a threat and to neutralize those individuals, foreign and domestic, considered a danger to the Controllers' agenda.

WSWS (2023-06-26). Official US intelligence report finds no evidence for laboratory origin of SARS-CoV-2. wsws.org The release of the ODNI findings only corroborates what principled scientists have stated before: that the WIV did not possess SARS-CoV-2 or a close ancestor and there is no evidence that the virus emerged from the laboratory to cause the COVID pandemic.

WSWS (2023-06-26). Intelligence report exposes media promotion of Wuhan Lab lie. wsws.org False claims by the New York Times, Washington Post, and Wall Street Journal, about illnesses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology before the COVID-19 pandemic were refuted in an intelligence report published Friday.

M.K. Bhadrakumar (2023-06-26). Russia's FSB spooked CIA on Prigozhin 'coup'. peoplesdispatch.org It wouldn't have escaped the attention of Russian intelligence analysts that Prigozhin's ranting and ravings from Donetsk from last autumn and winter began originally on the operational aspects of the Bakhmut war front in Donetsk oblast, but incrementally began acquiring political overtones. The 'known known' here is that the Russian intelligence was under instructions to be in 'listening mode'

Dave DeCamp (2023-06-25). Reports Say US Intelligence Knew Prigozhin Was Planning Mutiny in Russia. news.antiwar.com Several US media outlets are claiming that US intelligence was aware Wagner leader Yevgeny Prigozhin was planning to take military action against Russia's defense establishment before his short-lived uprising began on Friday. According to a report from The New York Times, US intelligence officials briefed senior military and Biden administration officials on Wednesday about Prigozhin's …

Global Research News (2023-06-25). Prigozhin's Wagner PMC Rebellion against Vladimir Putin. How it All Started. globalresearch.ca In an important "as a concerted effort between Wagner, the Ukrainian intelligence service, and their Western sponsors … | Prigozhin is working on behalf of foreign intelligence Services carrying out their …

Scott Ritter (2023-06-25). Prigozhin's Wagner PMC Gambit: Failed "Moscow Maidan"? Scott Ritter. globalresearch.ca In the 1997 Disney animated musical fantasy film, Hercules, there is a particularly catchy number, Zero to Hero, which describes the rise of the star of the film from a clumsy boy into a strong and capable man. In the …

Jeremy Kuzmarov (2023-06-25). U.S. Intelligence Agencies Advance Disinformation About Chinese Spy Base in Cuba to Gain Support for Cruel Embargo Costing Cubans $455 Million Per Month. covertactionmagazine.com After having lied about WMDs, Russia Gate, chemical weapons in Syria and so many other things, the U.S. intelligence community is now advancing the lie that Cuba is hosting a Chinese spy base that enables China to spy on the U.S. The Wall Street Journal reported on June 8 that China and Cuba had reached …

Sonali Kolhatkar (2023-06-25). Replacing the Capitalist Dream of AI-Driven Profits. socialistproject.ca Artificial intelligence (AI) and how it's going to change the world is a popular topic of conversation these days. There is concern that it will generate ever-more deceptive Then there's the seemingly…

WSWS (2023-06-26). New US diplomatic provocations fuel tensions with China. wsws.org US Secretary of State Blinken's trip to China, supposedly to ease tensions, has been swiftly followed by Biden's denunciation of Xi as "a dictator" and the fuelling of allegations of Chinese spying from Cuba.

Labor Video Project (2023-06-26). Ian Masters CIA Operative Protested At KPFA In Berkeley. indybay.org

Jews United for Democracy & JCA (2023-06-26). Wednesday 7/5: Voting Rights, Election Laws, Supreme Court & More w/ Rick Hasen, UCLA Law Scholar. indybay.org Online via Zoom…

Jeremy Kuzmarov, Covert Action Magazine. (2023-06-26). 'If You Challenge The FBI, They Will Crush You,' Says Whistleblower. popularresistance.org Being an FBI agent was Stephen Friend's dream job. For eight and a half years working there, the Notre Dame graduate and Iraq War veteran investigated around 200 violent crimes, including human and sex-trafficking cases, and served five years as part of an FBI SWAT team. | Friend did his job so well that he won an FBI performance award. | Then one day this past fall, his top-secret security clearance was revoked by his superiors at the Jacksonville, Florida, field office, and he lost his job. | The reason was that he had expressed concern about a) the inflation of statistics regarding Domestic Violent Extremism (…

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