2019-06-22: News Headlines

WSWS (2019-06-22). Facebook blocks ad for PES meeting in Paris to defend Assange. wsws.org The Parti de l'égalité socialiste calls on its supporters to share its material and support the freeing of journalist Julian Assange and whistleblower Chelsea Manning.

Staff (2019-06-22). Trump's Persecution of His Investigators Follows Authoritarian Playbook. truthout.org The Justice Department's decision to interview top CIA officials as part of an effort to investigate the reasons for looking into Russian interference in the 2016 election will alarm people who understand President Trump in the broader international context of authoritarians' recent successes in undermining democratic governments. | In functioning democracies with independent prose…

WSWS (2019-06-22). The Guardian's direct collusion with media censorship by secret services exposed. wsws.org The facts provide damning proof of the Guardian's total integration into the propaganda wing of the Ministry of Defence following its involvement in the WikiLeaks and Snowden files releases.

Jake Johnson, staff writer (2019-06-21). After Approving Strike on Iran Backed by Bolton, Pompeo, and Haspel, Trump Reportedly Called Off Attack at Last Minute. commondreams.org "This ought to put an end to dismissal of a U.S. war of choice with Iran as too idiotic to happen, and an end to the idea that if it did happen it would be an 'accident,' as opposed to immoral madness." | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files/styles/cd_special_coverage/public/headline/thumbs/trump_bolton_pompeo_iran.jpg

Staff (2019-06-21). War Survivor Ilhan Omar Makes Impassioned Case Against Iran Attack. truthout.org Citing her firsthand experience of the horrors of military conflict as a refugee from war-torn Somalia, Rep. Ilhan Omar Thursday night made an impassioned case against war with Iran amid reports that President Donald Trump approved — then abruptly called off — airstrikes on a number of Iranian targets. | "Mr. President, as a survivor of war, I want to tell you: going to war does not make you strong. It makes you weak," Omar wrote in a series of tweets. "Send…

Staff (2019-06-21). Trump May Stumble Into War With Iran Over Belligerent, Incoherent Policies. therealnews.com The Nation's new National Correspondent Jeet Heer sees the mix of warhawks Bolton and Pompeo, complicit Republicans, meek Democrats, and an erratic president as volatile and dangerous…

Dave Lindorff (2019-06-21). The US as Rogue Nation Number 1. counterpunch.org President Trump's National Security Advisor John Bolton and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo are saying that they have proof that Iran blew holes in two oil tankers in the Strait of Hormuz linking the Persian Gulf to the Arabian Sea, and so, we're being told in a report in the Jerusalem Post and earlier in Newsweek magazine, they are More

Amy Goodman (2019-06-21). Trump pulls back from Iran attack as Bolton & Pompeo continue to push for war. nationofchange.org After threatening to strike Iran in retaliation for shooting down an unmanned U.S. drone, President Trump reportedly approved, and then abruptly called off, military strikes. The move came after the operation was already underway in its initial stages, with warships and planes already being put into position. We go to Tehran to get a response …

Staff (2019-06-21). Trump Pulls Back from Iran Attack as Bolton & Pompeo Continue to Push for War. democracynow.org After threatening to strike Iran in retaliation for shooting down an unmanned U.S. drone, President Trump reportedly approved, and then abruptly called off, military strikes. The move came after the operation was already underway in its initial stages, with warships and planes already being put into position. We go to Tehran to get response from Mohammad Marandi, a professor at the University of Tehran who was part of the nuclear deal negotiations in 2015. We also speak with CUNY professor and historian Ervand Abrahamian, author of several books about Iran. Whether or not Trump wants war with Iran doesn't ultimat…

Ian Goodrum (2019-06-21). Pompeo ready to undermine any country he doesn't like. peoplesworld.org

Juan Cole (2019-06-21). Trump Brings US and Iran to Brink of War With Crisis He Created. commondreams.org US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo delivers remarks to the media at the State Department in Washington, DC on June 13, 2019. Without any concrete or reliable evidence at the press conference, Pompeo accused Iran of being behind attacks on two tanks in the Gulf of Oman earlier that day, and said it was taking the case to the UN Security Council. (Photo: Eric Baradat / AFP) | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files/styles/cd_special_coverage/public/views-article/thumbs/pompeo_iran.jpg

Staff (2019-06-21). Trump Pulls Back From Iran Attack as Bolton and Pompeo Continue to Push for War. truthout.org After threatening to strike Iran in retaliation for shooting down an unmanned U.S. drone, President Trump reportedly approved, and then abruptly called off, military strikes. The move came after the operation was already underway in its initial stages, with warships and planes already being put into position. We go to Tehran to get response from Mohammad Marandi, a professor at the University of Tehran who was part of the nuclear deal negotiations in 2015. We also speak with CUNY professor and historian Ervand Abrahamian, author of several books about Iran. Whether or not Trump wants war with Iran doesn't ulti…

Special To The Black Star News (2019-06-21). Greg Palast Wins Mexico's Top Journalism Award: The 2019 International Reporter Prize For Exposés On Election Thefts. blackstarnews.com Greg Palast won Mexico's International Reporter Prize for reporting on election thefts–like the 2018 Georgia's Governor's race in U.S. | As 2015 Nobel Peace Prize nominee and multiple award winning journalist Daniel Estulin (who introduced Greg Palast at Mexico's prestigious award show) recently wrote about the event: " Surrounded by journalist celebrities from all over the world, Palast along with the absent Julian Assange was the star attraction. He is admired and respected by so many attendees for his fearless reporting against the deep state he so courageously exposes. " | The Association of M…

Laborfest (2019-06-21). Laborfest: O.S.H.A. Whistleblowers, Workers & Public Safety. indybay.org ILWU Local 34 Hall, 801 Second St., San Francisco. Across 2d St from baseball stadium. Diagonally across King St from MoMo's Restaurant. Walk the one mile from Market on Second or on the Embarcadero to 801 Second Street or take public transportation as follows: | T or N train from Embarcadero Station to Second and King Station, go to stadium side of King St, 801 2d St is to the left of the stadium; | 30 or 45 bus from Market and Fifth Streets (Powell Station) to end of line at Townsend between Fourth and Third, then walk one block to 2d Street, then 1 blocks south on 2d to King St, cross King St to stadium side…

WSWS (2019-06-21). Australian workers and youth support SEP rallies defending Assange. wsws.org The hostility of ordinary people to the US attempts to prosecute Assange stands in stark contrast to the complicity of the political and media establishment.

Media Lens (2019-06-21). The Shaving Kit: Manufacturing The Julian Assange Witch-Hunt. dissidentvoice.org Last week, UK Home Secretary Sajid Javid signed the US extradition request to hand over Julian Assange, who is charged with 18 counts of violating the US Espionage Act. Assange's immediate fate now lies in the hands of the British justice system. Javid 'consistently voted for use of UK military forces in combat operations overseas', …

Laborfest (2019-06-21). Laborfest: Free Press, Julian Assange,Chelsea Manning, Bryan Carmody. indybay.org 518 Valencia, San Francisco. 16th St BART.

WSWS (2019-06-21). London: Julian Assange Defence Committee lobbies Jeremy Corbyn's Constituency Labour Party. wsws.org The Julian Assange Defence Committee urged rank-and-file Labour Party members in leader Jeremy Corbyn's constituency to oppose US extradition proceedings against WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange.

David Rosen (2019-06-21). Is Socialism Possible in America? counterpunch.org "I was, I am, I shall be!" — Rosa Luxemburg The U.S. government has charged WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange with violating the Espionage Act of 1917 (extended by the Sedition Act of 1918). The act targeted "whoever, for the purpose of obtaining information respecting the national defense with intent or reason to believe that the information to be obtained is More

WSWS (2019-06-21). The war on journalism is a war on the humanities. wsws.org The World Socialist Web Site received this statement opposing the persecution of Julian Assange from Monika Eisenhauer, an independent historian and medievalist living in Germany.

RT (2019-06-21). 11-hour live reading of Mueller report in DC keeps the dream alive for collusion cultists. rt.com A Washington DC theatre is bringing the Mueller report to life for the #Resistance faithful, inviting hundreds of D-list politicians and actors to read the entire second volume over a marathon 11-hour session.

Pepe Escobar (2019-06-21). Iran Goes for "Maximum Counter-pressure". Is Closing the Strait of Hormuz an Option? globalresearch.ca Sooner or later the US "maximum pressure" on Iran would inevitably be met by "maximum counter-pressure". Sparks are ominously bound to fly. | For the past few days, intelligence circles across Eurasia had been prodding Tehran to consider a quite straightforward …

Staff (2019-06-21). Supreme Court Tosses Man's Murder Conviction Over Racial Bias. truthdig.com WASHINGTON—The Supreme Court on Friday threw out the murder conviction and death sentence for a black man in Mississippi because of a prosecutor's efforts to keep African Americans off the jury. The defendant already has been tried six times and now could face a seventh trial. | The removal of black prospective jurors deprived inmate Curtis Flowers of a fair trial, the court said in a 7-2 decision written by Justice Brett Kavanaugh. | The long record of Flowers' trials stretching back more than 20 years shows District Attorney Doug Evans' "relentles…

Stephen Lendman (2019-06-20). Trump Against War on Iran? globalresearch.ca Trump's geopolitical record shows he yielded to regime hawks Pompeo, Bolton, and in the war department on escalating aggression in multiple theaters. | Bolton pushed for war on Iran long before he became Trump's national security advisor. Pompeo largely favors war …

teleSUR (2019-06-20). US Senate Blocks Trump's $8B Arms Sale to Saudi Arabia. telesurenglish.net With a vote of 53-45, members of the United States Senate passed a bill that would block President Donald Trump's plan to complete a US$8 billion arms sale to Saudi Arabia Thursday. | RELATED: | Saudi Crown Prince Liable for Murder of Khashoggi: UN Expert | In May, President Trump bypassed Congress by invoking a rare emergency provision to declare threats t…

Laborfest (2019-06-20). Laborfest: O.S.H.A. Whistleblowers, Workers & Public Safety. indybay.org ILWU Local 34 Hall, 801 Second St., San Francisco. Across 2d St from baseball stadium. Diagonally across King St from MoMo's Restaurant. Walk the one mile from Market on Second or on the Embarcadero to 801 Second Street or take public transportation as follows: | T or N train from Embarcadero Station to Second and King Station, go to stadium side of King St, 801 2d St is to the left of the stadium; | 30 or 45 bus from Market and Fifth Streets (Powell Station) to end of line at Townsend between Fourth and Third, then walk one block to 2d Street, then 1 blocks south on 2d to King St, cross King St to stadium side…

Eds. (2019-06-20). Technotyranny: the iron-fisted authoritarianism of the Surveillance State. mronline.org "There will come a time when it isn't 'They're spying on me through my phone' anymore. Eventually, it will be 'My phone is spying on me.'" ― Philip K. Dick | Source

Orion Edmonson (2019-06-20). Basta !!! Free Chelsea Manning & Julien Assange Oakland Weekly Friday Vigil. indybay.org MacArthur & Fruitvale Oakland…

Laborfest (2019-06-20). Laborfest: Free Press, Julian Assange,Chelsea Manning, Bryan Carmody. indybay.org 518 Valencia, San Francisco. 16th St BART.

WSWS (2019-06-20). For a worldwide campaign to prevent Julian Assange's rendition to the US! wsws.org An international mass movement must be organized to stop the extradition of Julian Assange to the United States.

WSWS (2019-06-20). Professor Stuart Rees to speak at SEP rally to defend Julian Assange. wsws.org "The rally must increase public awareness of the outrageous injustice if Julian is extradited to the US to face a possible 170 years in prison."

Brian Becker (2019-06-20). Exposed: The Pentagon's Cyberwar Against Russia. globalresearch.ca Five years before Robert Mueller was appointed Special Counsel to investigate the allegation that Russia interfered in the 2016 election and had conspired with the Trump campaign, the Pentagon had been waging secret cyberattacks against Russia's electrical grid. The cyberwar …

WSWS (2019-06-20). Punk band files lawsuit against surveillance by German intelligence agency. wsws.org The injunction seeks to ensure that the 2018 intelligence agency report, which lists the band in the category "left-wing extremist music scene," should no longer be published.

Nafeez Ahmed (2019-06-20). Veteran Navy Officer Exposes Flaws in US Version of Iran Oil Tanker Narrative. mintpressnews.com According to Dr Gwynne Dyer who has served as a Reserve Naval Officer in the Royal Canadian Naval Reserve, US Naval Reserve, and British Royal Navy Reserve for a total of 17 years, alleged US intelligence about the incident does not add up…

Dr. Paris Williams (2019-06-20). Will Our Domination be Our Downfall? dissidentvoice.org For those of us who've been paying attention to the general state of the world and human society, it's readily apparent that we as a species have sent ourselves hurtling into the depths of a global crisis that has the potential to wipe ourselves out along with many of our fellow Earthlings. So how exactly …

Special To The Black Star News (2019-06-20). Attorney General James Joins State AG's In Arguing For Unanimous Verdicts In State Felony Trials. blackstarnews.com New York Attorney General Letitia James Leads Coalition of Nine AG's in Amicus Brief to U.S. Supreme Court… | New York State Attorney General Letitia James today led a coalition of nine Attorneys General in an amicus brief urging the Supreme Court to recognize that the U.S. constitution requires unanimous verdicts by juries for convictions in state felony trials. | "We have fought hard to guarantee that every American has the right to serve as a juror, and that every jury is drawn from a fair cross-section of our local communities," said Attorney General Letitia James. "Setting a nationwide standard that…

susan_p (2019-06-20). Centrists within US Democrats fear a leftward political slide if Trump impeached. greenleft.org.au No matter how reprehensible one considers former US president Bill Clinton's actions to have been in the Monica Lewinsky case, they dwarf in comparison to the actions of Donald Trump. The Republicans impeached Clinton and then moved to remove him from office. Hasn't Pelosi heard of tit for tat? | Similarly, Mitch McConnell, Republican leader of the Senate, has stated that if a Supreme Court vacancy occurs in 2020, the Republicans would fill it — the exact opposite of what the party did in 2016, with the argument that regardless of who former president Barack Obama chose to fill the court's vacancy, let vote…

ACLU (2019-06-20). Supreme Court Undermines Religious Neutrality In Permitting Giant Governmental Cross. aclu.org The decision ignores our constitutional commitment to official religious neutrality. | Today, the Supreme Court announced that a governmental display of a 40-foot-tall Latin cross as a war memorial for all veterans does not violate the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment. The decision ignores our constitutional commitment to official religious neutrality and is a slap in the face to non-Christian veterans.

commondreams (2019-06-20). Americans United Condemns U.S. Supreme Court's Decision to Allow Bladensburg Cross to Remain on Public Land. commondreams.org ______________________________…

Eric Stoner (2019-06-19). How to avert the impending war on Iran. nationofchange.org Since coming to power, the Trump administration has had Iran in its | crosshairs. The United States unilaterally pulled out of the 2015 | nuclear deal last year and reimposed harsh economic sanctions on Iran. With the other signatories doing little to cushion the blow, Iran now says it will breach part of the agreement. | In all likelihood, this is exactly how hawks — like Secretary of State | Mike Pompeo and National Security Advisor John Bolton — hoped Iran would | r…

Deirdre Griswold (2019-06-19). Iran stays firm as U.S. threatens attack. workers.org Are the days over when Washington could shake its big stick and the rest of the imperialist world would immediately fall in line? The Pompeo-Bolton-Trump gang of conspirators in Washington seems to be having a hard time lining up their imperialist partners/rivals behind an attack on Iran. Their attempt to . . . | Continue reading Iran stays firm as U.S. threatens attack at Workers.org

The Canary (2019-06-19). Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe's husband insists Johnson's comments impacted on her. thecanary.co The husband of Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe has insisted that comments made by Boris Johnson when he was foreign secretary "enabled a propaganda campaign" against her by Iran.Richard Ratcliffe directly contradicted claims by Mr Johnson in the Tory leadership TV debate that his remarks as foreign secretary had no bearing on the fate of the mother-of-one, who is in prison in Iran on spying charges.Apology: Mr Johnson was forced to apologise in 2017 after wrongly stating to a House of Commons committee that Mrs Zaghari-Ratcliffe had been in Iran to teach journalists.Referring to the remarks, Mr Ratcliffe told BB…

WSWS (2019-06-19). French workers, "yellow vest" protesters support fight to free Julian Assange. wsws.org For the last two weeks, the Parti de l'égalité socialiste has campaigned in Paris for this Sunday's public meeting in defense of Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning.

WSWS (2019-06-19). John Pilger urges participation in SEP (Australia) rallies to defend Assange. wsws.org "In my career, there has never been a more important case. If we lose Julian and Chelsea Manning to the dungeons of a rogue America, once-liberal societies will never be the same again; democracies will be in name only."

Orion Edmonson (2019-06-19). Basta !!! Free Chelsea Manning & Julien Assange Oakland Weekly Friday Vigil. indybay.org MacArthur & Fruitvale Oakland…

Jimmysllama (2019-06-19). UN Rapporteur on Torture Nils Melzer Becomes One of Assange's Most Vocal Advocates. mintpressnews.com "Here [in Assange's case] we are not speaking of prosecution but of persecution. That means that judicial power, institutions and proceedings are being deliberately abused for ulterior motives." — Nils Melzer, UN Rapporteur on Torture…

Dave Lindorff (2019-06-19). What About Venezuela's Hacked Power Grid? counterpunch.org Russia and the US are engaging in tit-for-tat hacking of each others' power grid, the New York Times is reporting, in what is really a kind of cyber "cold war" where the hackers from each country's military and intelligence services load electronic "explosives" in the computer systems of critical infrastructure of the other, that in More

Douglas Schuler (2019-06-19). We Are Destroying The One Thing That Could Save Us: Civic Intelligence. commondreams.org Civic intelligence requires citizen engagement. (Photo: FREDERIC J. BROWN/AFP/Getty Images) | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files/styles/cd_special_coverage/public/views-article/thumbs/gettyimages-1146138602.jpg

Eric Peters (2019-06-19). Synthesis Technology, Artificial Intelligence and "Deap-Fake" Videos: "I Don't Think the Public Is Aware of What's Coming" globalresearch.ca "I don't think we're well prepared at all. And I don't think the public is aware of what's coming," said the Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. He was discussing the rapid advance of synthesis technology. This new artificial …

Staff (2019-06-19). Let's Shut Down the Authoritarian Machine. truthout.org "We can have democracy in this country, or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of the few, but we can't have both." —Supreme Court Justice Louis D. BrandeisTrump's ominous tweet about how his supporters might "demand" that he stay in office for more than two terms is the latest proof that his authoritarian ideology has little regard for the law. The tweet also reflects Trump'