2021-10-09: News Headlines

Sonali Kolhatkar (2021-10-09). How Facebook's Quest for Profits Is Paved on Hate and Lies. zcomm.org New revelations by a whistleblower prove that the world's largest social media platform understands clearly its negative impact on society, but that profits are a greater lure than preserving democracy…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2021-10-09). Science Saturday: A robotic GPS for targeting, delivering regenerative biotherapies. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org A remote-controlled bronchoscope that acts like a GPS system hunts down hard-to-find lung masses and accurately biopsies them, according to a Mayo Clinic collaborative study. This multisite research, which is published in Annals of Thoracic Surgery, lays the foundation for precisely finding early-stage cancer and targeting it with regenerative biotherapeutics needed to stimulate healing. Artificial intelligence gleaned from CT scans directs the robotic fiber optic cable, providing a GPS-like pathway to tiny nodules, or masses, that manual bronchoscopes…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2021-10-09). Expert Alert: Advancing individualized medicine through genomics. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org ROCHESTER, Minn. — The virtual 10th Annual Individualizing Medicine Conference on Oct. 8—9 will highlight the latest discoveries, diagnostics, therapeutics and emerging approaches in the field of genomics. Attendees will hear from renowned experts and learn first-hand how individualized medicine is transforming clinical practice, research and education. Highlighted topics will include artificial intelligence, health disparities, precision oncology, microbiome, genomic clinical applications and challenges, and many others. Taking the virtual center stage will be keynote speakers Gianrico…

Radical Women Won't Stop (2021-10-09). Speakout for Reproductive Justice in San Francisco. indybay.org The U.S. Supreme Court will hear a challenge to Roe v. Wade this fall. On October 3 Radical Women held a rally for voices to be heard on the right of women and all people to control their own bodies.

Prabir Purkayastha (2021-10-08). How Facebook algorithms promote hate and toxic content. peoplesdispatch.org Whistleblower Frances Haugen has revealed hard evidence—internal Facebook documents—that show it knew its algorithms promote dangerous content but did nothing about it so that it could maximize its advertising revenue.

Latino Rebels (2021-10-08). UnidosUS Announces That It Has Cut Corporate Ties With Facebook After Whistleblower Revelations. latinorebels.com On Friday, the nation's largest Latino civil rights and advocacy organization said it cut ties with Facebook after a whistleblower revealed that Facebook has been intentionally promoting products and policies that harm the Latino community and undermine democratic principles.

Binoy Kampmark (2021-10-08). Blowing the Whistle at Facebook. counterpunch.org The only surprise was that it did not come sooner. Big Tech whistleblowers are not exactly running out of the offices of Silicon Valley, so it was with some excitement that Facebook could produce a person willing enough to show us the laundry, with the dirt still caking the content. And the laundry in question

Jonathan Cook (2021-10-08). Haugen isn't really a "Facebook whistleblower" and it's dangerous to imagine she is. dissidentvoice.org The enthusiasm with which much of the media and political establishment have characterised Frances Haugen as a "Facebook whistleblower" requires that we pause to consider what exactly we think the term "whistleblower" means. Haugen has brought to the surface a fuzziness in what many of us understand by the idea of whistleblowing. Even Russell Brand, …

Philip Giraldi (2021-10-08). Silencing Julian Assange: Why Bother with a Trial When You Can Just Kill Him? globalresearch.ca

The Socialist Program (2021-10-08). The Plot to Kill Julian Assange & Destroy Wikileaks. liberationnews.org Brian and Lee Camp discuss the latest revelations about the CIA's attempts to take revenge on Wikileaks for exposing the secret crimes of the U.S. government…

John Kendall Hawkins (2021-10-08). End the 1917 Espionage Act. counterpunch.org Violation of the 1917 Espionage Act is the law that Julian Assange faces if he is extradited to the US from England. If found guilty of the charges under this violation, Assange faces up to 175 years in a US supermax prison. For what? many people ask. This is where it gets tricky. The 1917

Global Research News (2021-10-08). Selected Articles: Twenty Years Ago: US Invasion of Afghanistan. globalresearch.ca By CIA responded by preparing to foil Assange's possible Russian-assisted departure to include potential gun battles with Moscow's spies on …

Editor2 (2021-10-08). 45th Anniversary of Terrorist Bombing of Cubana Flight 455 in Barbados. orinocotribune.com Today marks 45 years since U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) operatives carried out the terrorist bombing of Cubana de Aviación flight 455, a Cuban flight from Barbados to Jamaica. | 73 people were killed in the bombing attack on the flight which departed from Guyana, with destination to Havana, via the islands of Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados and Jamaica. | Various aviation agencies and the Cuban government determined that the airliner was blown up in midair with the detonation of two explosives which had been placed on the airplane, killing all passengers and crew members of the aircraft which plummeted in…

Somil Trivedi (2021-10-08). What the Supreme Court Can and Can't Do About Mass Incarceration in the Current Term. aclu.org As the Supreme Court kicks off another term this week, we should make one thing abundantly clear: Nine lawyers in black robes will not end mass incarceration and systemic racism in America. Not this term, not any. That doesn't, however, mean the criminal law cases being argued and decided between now and June are inconsequential. The Justices could, if they choose, place meaningful limits on the power of local officials — police, prosecutors, judges — and give sharper teeth to key constitutional protections. This is why the ACLU tracks these cases closely and participates in many. They matter. | Th…

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