2020-12-21: News Headlines

Charles Glass (2020-12-21). If Assange's Fate Were Up To a Jury, He, Too, Might Have Walked Free. thenation.com If Assange's Fate Were Up To a Jury, He, Too, Might Have Walked Free…

Medea Benjamin, Marcy Winograd (2020-12-21). No, Joe, Don't Roll out the Red Carpet for Torture Enablers. commondreams.org We need political leaders and intelligence community officials who acknowledge that torture is illegal under international law, inhumane, and ineffective. | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files/styles/cd_special_coverage/public/views-article/thumbs/torture.png

Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II, Elliott Smith (2020-12-21). Remembering Bruce Carver Boynton, anti-segregation fighter and Freedom Ride inspiration. peoplesworld.org On Dec. 20, 1958, exactly 62 years ago, a young law student on his way home for the holiday break was on the brink of setting the country one step forward towards racial equality. His arrest on misdemeanor charges in a racially charged case resulted two years later in a landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision outlawing segregation …

Shane Quinn (2020-12-21). The US-China Power Struggle, Two Decades of CIA Interference in Tibet. globalresearch.ca Of relevance to the crisis in US-China relations, we bring to the attention of our readers this incisive historical analysis of CIA interference in Tibet by Shawn Quinn, first published in January 2020 | *** | America's position as the world's …

Project Veritas Action (2020-12-20). Project Veritas Releases Audio of Assange Warning U.S. Government of Damaging Leak of Classified Information. globalresearch.ca Project Veritas released today an exclusive audio tape of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange speaking in 2011 with State Department attorney Cliff Johnson, pleading with the government lawyer to act to contain the release of information classified by the U.S. government….

T.J. Coles (2020-12-20). The Evolution of U.S.-Backed Death Squads in Honduras. counterpunch.org U.S. intelligence agencies and corporations have pushed back against the so-called Pink Tide, the coming to power of socialistic governments in Central and South America. Examples include: the slow-burning attempt to overthrow Venezuela's President; Nicolás Maduro; the initially successful soft coup in Bolivia against President Evo Morales; and the constitutional crises that removed Presidents Lula

Emanuel Pastreich (2020-12-20). The COVID-19 Pathology: Class and Information Warfare, Algorithms and the Role of Artificial Intelligence. globalresearch.ca COVID-19 is a cultural and institutional virus that eats away at the foundations of organized human action. The COVID19 campaign is best seen as a horrific coupling of two linked, but distinct, phenomena: the emergence of full-scale class warfare as …

A Guest Author (2020-12-19). Ramsey Prison Unit: The terror of Texas. workers.org By Nanon M. Williams Nanon Williams was arrested in 1992 at age 17 for capital murder and spent years on death row. In 2005, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled people under 18 could not be sentenced to death. His sentence, along with 70 others, was commuted to life and he . . . |

John O'Sullivan (2020-12-19). Former Pfizer Vice-President Dr. Michael Yeadon Questions Company's Vaccine 'Breakthrough' Spin. globalresearch.ca Yesterday Pfizer announced to much media fanfare that it has a breakthrough in the search for a reliable COVID-19 vaccine claiming studies showed it can prevent 90% of people contracting the virus. But respected former vice-president of Pfizer, Dr. Michael …

Collective 20 (2020-12-19). The Iraq War Logs, The War on Whistleblowers, and Lessons Learned From a Decade of WikiLeaks Revelations. zcomm.org What did we learn from the Iraq War Logs?>

_____ (2020-12-18). Assange Hearing Outcome Could Set An "Alarming Precedent" For Free Speech. popularresistance.org Assange's partner, Stella Moris, is remaining resolute despite his extradition hearing decision being less than a month away and him being held in a prison that has recently had a Covid-19 outbreak. | Speaking over the phone to Index, Moris discusses the hearing's details and what it could mean for the future of freedom of expression. And she talks about the deep implications it has had for her and her young family. | "Obviously it is very difficult. I speak to Julian on a daily basis unless there is a problem. [But] he is in prison. Soon to be for two years. He has been there for longer than many violent prisone…

Binoy Kampmark (2020-12-18). UK Parliamentarians, the British Press and Julian Assange. dissidentvoice.org The number of figures extolling the merits of Britain's Westminster system and how it supposedly embodies a glorious model of democracy are too numerous to mention. This is despite exploits by the government of Boris Johnson, marked by the appointment of unelected advisers with enviable, unaccountable powers and a record of assault on Parliament's scrutineering …

Dr. Binoy Kampmark (2020-12-18). UK Parliamentarians, the British Press and Julian Assange. globalresearch.ca The number of figures extolling the merits of Britain's Westminster system and how it supposedly embodies a glorious model of democracy are too numerous to mention. This is despite exploits by the government of Boris Johnson, marked by the appointment …

Ali Harb (2020-12-18). Boycotting Israeli settlements is antisemitic, says US envoy. middleeasteye.net Boycotting Israeli settlements is antisemitic, says US envoy | Elan Carr, who was tasked by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to identify groups that support BDS, says hatred for Israel is 'hatred for the Jewish people' | Fri, 12/18/2020 – 22: 51 | US special envoy to monitor and combat antisemitism says it is "flatly wrong" to deny that Israel has right to West Bank (AFP/File photo) | Boycotting Israel's illegal We…

WSWS (2020-12-18). American workers denounce police raid on COVID-19 whistleblower Rebekah Jones. wsws.org The WSWS is publishing statements of support for Jones, whose Florida home was raided last week in response to her efforts to expose the spread of the pandemic in Florida and in K-12 schools across the US.

commondreams (2020-12-18). U.S. Supreme Court Dismisses Census Apportionment Case. commondreams.org ______________________________…