Daily Archives: September 24, 2024

2024-09-24: News Headlines

infobrics (2024-09-24). Will Trump really change American foreign policy. infobrics.org Donald Trump is virtually always hailed as the enemy of the Deep State, even according to his own statements. He said repeatedly that he'll dismantle it and make sure there's peace. When it comes to the NATO-orchestrated Ukrainian conflict, Trump insists he'll end it in a single day. While such efforts would certainly be commendable, the question arises, how likely is it?>

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2024-09-24). Pegasus: The Spyware Brought by Duque. orinocotribune.com An international scandal hits Colombia after details about the acquisition of the "Pegasus" spyware were revealed during the government of former president Iván Duque. According to an investigation by Señal Investigativa, the purchase was made clandestinely, involving the transportation of large sums of cash and possible legal irregularities in both Colombia and Israel. | President Gustavo Petro revealed details about the transaction on September 4: The cash was airlifted from Bogotá, Colombia to Tel Aviv, Israel, on June 27, 2021. It was declared to the Israeli customs and deposited in the company's account on 3…

Andy Kroll (2024-09-24). Militarism Abuse Disorder. tomdispatch.com My name is Frida and my community is military dependent. (I feel, by the way, like I'm introducing myself at a very strange AA-like meeting with lousy coffee.) As with people who have substance abuse disorders, I'm part of a very large club. After all, there are weapons manufacturers and subcontractors in just about every congressional district in the country, so that members of Congress will never forget whom they are really working for: the military-industrial complex. Using the vernacular of the day, perhaps it's particularly on target to say that our whole country suffers from Militarism Abuse Disorder or (al…

Editor (2024-09-24). Machinists Strike Begins at Boeing. scheerpost.com

ecns.cn (2024-09-24). UN adopts landmark pact to tackle challenges. ecns.cn The Summit of the Future opened at the United Nations headquarters in New York on Sunday, with the adoption of a Pact for the Future, the most wide-ranging international agreement in many years.

Kit Klarenberg, Max Blumenthal, The Grayzone. (2024-09-24). Documents Reveal US Intel Cutout's Iranian Counter-Revolution Plans. popularresistance.org Leaked documents and emails obtained by The Grayzone reveal a seemingly covert effort by American regime change operatives to impose radical leadership on the remnants of Iran's protest movement against the mandatory hijab, in order to topple the government of Iran. | The initiative was spearheaded by Carl Gershman, the longtime director of the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), a US government-funded non-profit which advances regime change operations across the globe. Originally conceived by the Reagan administration's CIA, the NED has meddled in elections and sponsored coup leaders from Nicaragua to Venezu…

Rachel Sherrington, Hazel Healy, DeSmog. (2024-09-24). Big Ag's Road To Brazil. popularresistance.org This week, as business and government leaders, investors and campaigners gather for New York Climate Week, DeSmog is relaunching its big agriculture series, which will scrutinise the power of food and farming companies. | Agriculture used to play second fiddle to energy when it came to global warming, considered as a nice-to-have. But as global heating continues apace, emissions associated with food are rising fast. | Nitrous oxide — a planet-heating gas nearly 300 times as potent as CO2 when measured over 100 years — is accumulating in Earth's atmosphere at unprecedented levels. Levels of methane [md…

maxyyjones (2024-09-24). Israel: 'Escalate to De-escalate'. scheerpost.com By Ray McGovern and Robert Scheer / ScheerPost Staff Writers In this week's episode of "Playing President," Ray McGovern, 27-year CIA veteran and briefer of five presidents, continues to make sense of the world to "President" Scheer, who prepared for this role through his decades as a journalist, including in-depth interviews with five presidents from …

Imran Mulla (2024-09-24). UK: Labour MP Bell Ribeiro-Addy warns government of 'criminal liability' over Israel arms sales. middleeasteye.net UK: Labour MP Bell Ribeiro-Addy warns government of 'criminal liability' over Israel arms sales | The UK has suspended 30 arms export licences to Israel after a review by the new Labour government, but rights groups say that is not enough | | Ribeiro-Addy called on the Labour government…

Ana Perdigón (2024-09-24). Far-Right Politician Henrique Capriles Resigns from Justice First, Criticizes Julio Borges. orinocotribune.com Former governor of Venezuela's Miranda state, Henrique Capriles, officially announced his "irrevocable" resignation from the national board of directors of the far-right opposition party Justice First (PJ), condemning meanness from Julio Borges. | Henrique Capriles is one of the founders of PJ and has been part of the political party since 2000, which fugitive Leopoldo López was part of before splitting and founding the Popular Will (VP) party. | This Monday, September 23, Capriles announced his resignation from the PJ board of directors through social media in a statement in which he made public serious complain…

Ecosocial, Intercultural Pact of the South (2024-09-24). Venezuela, the Left, and Democracy. fpif.org We, the Ecosocial and Intercultural Pact of the South and all those who subscribe to the views below, want to intervene in the debate about what happened in Venezuela before and after the presidential election that took place on July 28, 2024. | A diverse set of international voices have demanded that the government of Nicolas Maduro publish the electoral results in a transparent and detailed format, as a basic minimum of democratic legitimacy that would allow the electorate to endorse the results. It should be noted that the comparison of the figures in each polling station with those that appear in the electora…

WSWS (2024-09-24). New Zealand government's Treaty of Waitangi "debate" stokes racial divisions. wsws.org The Treaty Principles Bill advanced by the far-right ACT Party, part of New Zealand's coalition government, promotes the lie that indigenous Māori have received "privileged" treatment.

ecns.cn (2024-09-24). PBOC encourages commercial banks to lower existing mortgage rates. ecns.cn The People's Bank of China, the country's central bank, will encourage commercial banks to lower existing mortgage interest rates, bringing them to a level close to newly issued mortgages, said PBOC Governor Pan Gongsheng.

Cristen Hemingway Jaynes, EcoWatch. (2024-09-24). Three Mile Island Nuclear Plant To Reopen; Microsoft To Purchase Power. popularresistance.org In March of 1979, Pennsylvania's Three Mile Island nuclear plant — which was powered by two pressurized light-water reactors — experienced a cooling malfunction that caused part of the core of the second reactor to melt, releasing radioactive material into the environment. | Constellation Energy has plans to reopen Three Mile Island, and Microsoft has agreed to buy power from it for 20 years. | Recent United States government zero-emissions energy incentives have spurred owners of closed-down nuclear plants to consider reopening them, reported Pennsylvania's WESA. | Activists are asking the government…

Staff (2024-09-24). Venezuela Welcomes Leftist Kumara as President-Elect of Sri Lanka. orinocotribune.com The Venezuelan government, through its Foreign Affairs Ministry, congratulated the president-elect of Sri Lanka, Anura Kumara Dissanayake, for his victory as the candidate of the coalition of the National People's Power Party (NPP). | In a statement, the foreign minister of Venezuela, Yván Gil, on behalf of President Maduro and the Venezuelan government, expressed his congratulations to Kumara Dissanayake, who with 5,740,179 valid votes was elected as the new president of Sri Lanka. | "From Venezuela, we send our congratulations to the president-elect and his people, reaffirming our desire to advance in relations…

Staff (2024-09-24). Venezuela Welcomes Leftist Kumara as President-Elect of Sri Lanka. orinocotribune.com The Venezuelan government, through its foreign ministry, congratulated the president-elect of Sri Lanka, Anura Kumara Dissanayake, after his victory as a candidate of the coalition of the National People's Power Party (NPP). | In a statement, the foreign minister of Venezuela, Yván Gil, on behalf of President Maduro and the Venezuelan government, expressed his congratulations to Kumara Dissanayake, who with 5,740,179 valid votes was elected as the new president of Sri Lanka. | "From Venezuela, we send our congratulations to the president-elect and his people, reaffirming our desire to advance in relations of frie…

Sasha Abramsky (2024-09-24). Why Is New UK Prime Minister Seeking Immigration Advice From Italy's Far Right? truthout.org When U.K. Prime Minister Keir Starmer's Labour Party sailed to power in snap elections earlier this year, his party's victory represented a repudiation of the hard right policies of the Conservative Party, helmed by Rishi Sunak. So why, when it comes to immigration policy, is Starmer now taking cues from Italy, and a government arguably further to the right than the one he replaced? |

Adam Johnson, In These Times. (2024-09-24). New York Times Repeats Government's Evidence-Free Claim That Gaza Protests Are Part Of Iranian Plot. popularresistance.org On September 4, the New York Times did something it has a long and sordid history of doing: laundering extremely loaded and consequential "U.S. intelligence" claims without providing an ounce of skepticism‚Äâ—‚Äâor evidence. The report, headlined "Iran Emerges as a Top Disinformation Threat in U.S. Presidential Race," begins with fairly boilerplate hand wringing about foreign influence operations, followed by authors Steven Lee Myers,Tiffany Hsu and Farnaz Fassihi casually tossing out a government claim that, by implication, has the…

Brett Murphy (2024-09-24). Blinken Rebuffed Agencies' Findings That Israel Knowingly Blocked Gaza Aid. truthout.org The U.S. government's two foremost authorities on humanitarian assistance concluded this spring that Israel had deliberately blocked deliveries of food and medicine into Gaza. The U.S. Agency for International Development delivered its assessment to Secretary of State Antony Blinken and the State Department's refugees bureau made its stance known to top diplomats in late April. |

A A (2024-09-24). Leaked documents reveal U.S. intel cutout's Iranian counter-revolution plans. strategic-culture.su Leaks expose a secret effort by retired National Endowment for Democracy leader Carl Gershman to consolidate war-hungry neoconservative control over Iran's opposition, while channeling US government funds into his own pet regime change initiatives. | By Kit KLARENBERG AND Max BLUMENTHAL | ‚ùóÔ∏èJoin us on ,…

aljazeera (2024-09-24). Sweden accuses Iran of hack inciting revenge for Quran burnings. aljazeera.com Intelligence services say Iran sought to portray Sweden as 'Islamophobic' and divide society.

WSWS (2024-09-24). SAG-AFTRA has no strategy to defeat ravages of AI and other technologies. wsws.org SAG-AFTRA has fully accepted the fact that Artificial Intelligence (AI) will destroy thousands of jobs, and entire professions, and is simply looking for a face-saving way of ending the current strike.

presstv.ir (2024-09-24). Hezbollah strikes Israeli military complex in Haifa, Israelis run for cover. presstv.ir Volleys of rockets hit an Israeli military industrial complex in Haifa at the northern part of the 1948 Israeli-occupied territories.

presstv.ir (2024-09-24). Israel's deadly attack in Lebanon 'terrorism': EX-CIA chief. presstv.ir The former CIA director says Israel's deadly attack in Lebanon involving the explosion of telecommunication devices is "a form of terrorism."

Democracy Now! (2024-09-24). Democracy Now! 2024-09-24 Tuesday. democracynow.org Headlines for September 24, 2024; "Absolutely Terrifying": Israel's War Comes to Lebanon, Setting Record-Breaking Single-Day Death Toll; Climate Activists Shut Down Citibank HQ in NYC, Demand Halt to Fossil Fuel Investments; NYC Climate Week: Climate Activist Kumi Naidoo on the Need for a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty; Marcellus Williams Execution in Hands of Supreme Court; Victim's Family, Prosecutor Don't Want Him to Die | Headlines for September 24, 2024; "Absolutely Terrifying": Israel's War Comes to Lebanon, Setting Record-Breaking Single-Day Death Toll; C…

Pablo Meriguet (2024-09-24). Venezuelan Supreme Court issues arrest warrant for Javier Milei. peoplesdispatch.org On September 23, the

Ana Perdigón (2024-09-24). Venezuela's Supreme Court Confirms Arrest Warrant for Argentina's Milei. orinocotribune.com The Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) stated on Monday, September 23, that it would prosecute the president of Argentina, Javier Milei, for various crimes committed in Venezuela. | The proceedings against Milei began on September 18 when the Venezuelan Attorney General Tarek William Saab appointed two prosecutors to process an arrest warrant against him for the theft of an EMTRASUR aircraft and for human right violations against peaceful protests in Argentina. | According to the TSJ ruling, Javier Milei will be prosecuted for seven crimes, including money laundering, simulation of punishable…

WSWS (2024-09-24). Missouri governor and Supreme Court refuse to halt the execution of Marcellus Williams, an innocent man on death row. wsws.org The governor of Missouri and state Supreme Court refused Monday to halt the execution of death row inmate Marcellus "Khaliifah" Williams. Williams, 55, has spent almost a quarter-century on death row for a crime he did not commit.

Jenny Brown, Labor Notes. (2024-09-24). Can The Machinists Save Boeing From Its Management? popularresistance.org Boeing has increased its offer to striking Machinists, hoping to end a work stoppage that entered its eleventh day today. According to the Seattle Times, the new proposal would raise wages 30 percent over four years, as opposed to 25 percent in the offer that workers rejected by 94.6 percent. | Mediated talks with Boeing broke off September 18, the union said, with nothing more scheduled. Then on Monday morning, the company announced a new offer in the press. Twelve hours later, the union responded that Boeing "has missed the mark with this proposal." | In a scathing statement, the negotiating team noted that the…

Margaret Flowers, Clearing the FOG. (2024-09-24). Ajamu Baraka On Global Conflicts And Social Transformation. popularresistance.org In addition to risking a nuclear war with Russia, the United States is stoking greater conflicts in West Asia and China. Ajamu Baraka speaks with Clearing the FOG about his recent tour in Iran where he spoke to a cross-section of people about their concerns and the need for greater international solidarity. Baraka also discusses the responsibility of people, particularly in the collective West, to organize in order to change course away from militarism. He provides an analysis of the upcoming presidential election, the verdict in the case of the Uhuru 3 and why people must avoid aligning themselves with the rulin…

The Cradle. (2024-09-24). Nearly 200 Killed Within Hours As Israel Expands Attacks On Lebanon. popularresistance.org Over 180 people have been killed in a massive wave of Israeli airstrikes targeting southern and eastern Lebanon on 23 September. | "These raids have led, until the issuance of this statement, to 182 martyrs and 727 wounded, including children, women and paramedics among the martyrs and wounded," the Emergency Operations Center of the Lebanese Health Ministry said on Monday afternoon. The toll is expected to continue rising. | Israeli airstrikes are also targeting the Bekaa region in eastern Lebanon. Hundreds of strikes have taken place in the last few hours. | Several civilian homes have been targeted and destroy…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2024-09-24). Haifa and More: While Israel Massacres, Hezbollah Advances. orinocotribune.com By Khalil Nasrallah — Sep 24, 2024 | The occupation state's now-daily killing rampages across Lebanon have not disrupted Hezbollah's ability to retaliate. Importantly, the resistance intends to meet Israel's every crass massacre with a qualitative military thrust into the enemy's depth and vulnerabilities. | A significant shift has taken place on the southern Lebanese front in the last few days. Barely had Benjamin Netanyahu's government announced its new war goal of returning displaced settlers to their northern homes and begun the transfer of military weight to the north before Tel Aviv launched a series o…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2024-09-24). Hezbollah's Latest Strike on Ramat David Base Used Fadi-Type Rockets. orinocotribune.com Field sources revealed some of the details of As per the Islamic Resistance's statement, Hezbollah fighters fired dozens of Fadi-1 and Fadi-2 long-range rocket artillery shells at the strategic Israeli Air Force base, located to the east of the city of Haifa. | Located in the occupied Nassriyah district, in the Jezreel Valley, the base is home to several Israeli Air For…

tn.ai (2024-09-24). Iraqi Resistance Fighters Strike Israeli Position in Golan Heights in Retaliation for Gaza Strikes. tn.ai TEHRAN (Tasnim) — Fighters from Iraqi anti-terror groups launched a drone attack on a key position in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, in response to ongoing Israeli strikes on Gaza, according to a statement from the Islamic Resistance in Iraq.

Ido David Cohen (2024-09-24). Human rights groups: Israel's far-right Channel 14 has called for genocide against Palestinians in Gaza more than 50 times. haaretz.com In a letter to Israel's Attorney General, three Israeli organizations compiled a list of calls for genocide in Gaza made on the right-wing Channel 14 alongside more than 150 statements calling for war crimes against Palestinians, including indiscriminate killing, mass expulsion and starvation…

Ido David Cohen (2024-09-24). Israel's far-right Channel 14 has repeatedly called for genocide against Palestinians in Gaza. haaretz.com In a letter to Israel's AG, three Israeli organizations compiled a list of more than 50 statements made on Channel 14 calling for genocide and more than 150 statements calling for war crimes against Palestinians. Their letter calls for a criminal investigation to be opened against the channel…

IMEMC News (2024-09-24). Israeli Army Demolishes a Home Near Jenin. imemc.org On Tuesday, Israeli soldiers invaded the village of Toura, west of Jenin in the occupied West Bank's northern part, and demolished a Palestinian home. Tareq Kabaha, the head of the Toura Village Council, stated that the soldiers, accompanied by three bulldozers and several armored military vehicles, invaded the village, before they demolished a house belonging …

newarab (2024-09-24). Hezbollah 'cannot stand alone' against Israel: Iranian president. newarab.com Iran's President Masoud Pezeshkian said Tuesday that its ally Hezbollah "cannot stand alone" against Israel which carried out its "Hezbollah cannot stand alone against a country that is being defended and supported and supplied by Western countries, by European countries and the United States," Pezeshkian said in an interview with CNN translated from Farsi to English. | He called on the international community to "not allow Lebanon to become another Gaza," in response…

infobrics (2024-09-24). What Is BRICS Pay: All You Need to Know. infobrics.org The concept of BRICS stems from a group of nations or economic bloc aiming to join forces—Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa—to facilitate trade and financial transactions within its member states…

Melvin Goodman (2024-09-24). No End to Israel's Killing Machine and U.S. Complicity. counterpunch.org No Democratic administration has been willing to challenge the excesses of Israeli policy, and the Biden administration is no exception. President Joe Biden's bear hug of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu several days after the Hamas attack on October 7th indicated that U.S. policy would be one-sided. Even worse, Secretary of State Antony Blinken arrived in Israel on October 12th, and said that he was there not only as secretary of state but "as a Jew." Accordingly, the United States has been complicit in virtually every aspect of Israel's genocidal campaign in Gaza as well as negligent in accepting Israe…

Greg Godels (2024-09-24). Economic Conditions and Hollow Victories. dissidentvoice.org Among the very few things to look forward to on Labor Day is Jack Rasmus's annual report on the state of US labor. Rasmus, an accomplished political-economist, riffs on the famous Frederick Engels book with Labor Day 2024: The Condition of the American Working Class Today. It may come as a surprise to some, but …

newarab (2024-09-24). Turkey and Saudi Arabia use heads, not hearts with Assad's Syria. newarab.com In the background of Israel's genocidal war against the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, the normalisation process of Bashar al-Assad's Syrian regime came back to the fore with two recent events. | First, the Saudi embassy was opened in Damascus in September 2024, after multiple failed announcements. Chargé d'Affaires Abdullah al-Harees stated during the open ceremony the Kingdom's embassy's commitment In the same month, Turkey participated for the first time in an Arab Le…

Linda Dayan (2024-09-24). Israel's Reform Movement petitions top court to bar rabbi from Sephardi chief post over incitement and racism allegations. haaretz.com According to the petition, Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu, the chief rabbi of the northern city of Safed, has made numerous inciting and racist statements toward the LGBTQ community, Arabs and other minorities. In 2013, then-attorney general called on him not to run for…

Rachel Fink (2024-09-24). Israeli police under fire for brutal beating of ultra-Orthodox protesters against Haredi integration. haaretz.com According to Israeli news outlet Walla, who first reported the incident, the men were protesting outside a community center where a job fair promoting the integration of the ultra-Orthodox population into the workforce was being held. A statement by the police said the officers' actions 'contradicts the force's values'…

newarab (2024-09-24). Syrians wary as Assad issues amnesty decree for deserters. newarab.com The move appears to some to be the latest step in Assad's attempts to pave the way to normalising relations with neighbouring Arab states and

Chris Walker (2024-09-24). Warnock Derides Georgia's Hand Counting of Ballots Rule as Anti-Democratic. truthout.org The decision last week by the Georgia State Election Board to require a statewide hand count of ballots in the 2024 election has sparked criticism from both sides of the political aisle, with commentators noting that it will likely create unnecessary delays and uncertainty regarding the accuracy of several key races, including potentially the presidential election. One of Georgia's U.S. |

Zoe Alexandra (2024-09-24). Harlem welcomes Cuba. peoplesdispatch.org On the sidelines of the 79th United Nations General Assembly, activists and community members from the historic Black neighborhood in New York City welcomed the Cuban diplomatic delegation that traveled to New York City for the UN proceedings. The reception held at the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture was organized by the Harlem-Cuba Welcome Committee and celebrated the historic bonds between Cuba and Harlem, and the bonds between the Cuban people and Black people in the United States. | Rosemari Mealy, the co-convener of the Harlem-Cuba Welcome Committee and the author of the book Fidel and Malcolm…

noreply (2024-09-24). Some Visual Evidence… smoothiex12.blogspot.com of Pokrovsk being empty. Some 404 "patriot", for some reason not on mova but on Russian, laments the fate of the city, which, of course, will be rebuilt and much improved by Russians, while not getting a simple fact ⚪ he and his ilk didn't count on consequences. You don't need to know Russian to recognize that Pokrovsk's fate is sealed, as is that of Ugledar. Average khohol is uneducated and brainwashed and now they squeal when they experience a very measured military power applied to their failed state. They thought that they can kill women and children of Donbas with impunity. They were wrong, as were their…

aljazeera (2024-09-24). Singapore ex-Transport Minister Iswaran pleads guilty in graft trial. aljazeera.com Charges reduced from 35 to five as rare corruption trial involving a senior politician gets under way in city state.

presstv.ir (2024-09-24). 'Rohingya in pain'- Refugees on hunger strike at India detention center. presstv.ir More than 100 Rohingya refugees living at Goalpara detention center in the Indian state of Assam began hunger strike.

League of Women Voters Oakland (2024-09-24). Saturday 10/5: 2024 Election: CA State & Oakland Ballot Measures Overview w/ LWV Oakland (nonpartisan). indybay.org Oakland City Hall | 1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza | Oakland, CA 94612 | Or watch online or via live televised broadcast…

repost (2024-09-24). Real Estate Industry Shells Out $102.5 Million to Kill Rent Control in California. indybay.org California voters this November will decide whether to expand rent control by passing Proposition 33, which would repeal an infamous 1995 state law, the Costa-Hawkins Rental Housing Act. Corporate landlords are pouring millions of dollars into efforts to defeat Prop 33 and pass their own competing measure, Prop 34.

Eric A. Gordon (2024-09-24). 'Dickinson in Yiddish' gathers 50 years of writings by socialist Marvin Zuckerman. peoplesworld.org I guess by way of full disclosure I should state at the outset that I've known Marvin Zuckerman for almost 30 years, from the time I assumed the directorship of the Southern California District of Workers Circle/Arbeter Ring, of which he's been a member all his life, and he's over 90 now. When he asked …

Pressenza New York (2024-09-24). Why should China and EU find a mutually acceptable solution on EVs. pressenza.com Relations between China and the EU are now at a crossroads. The EU's ability to make right decisions and wise judgements, correct and adjust its perspective of China, and maintain a positive relationship with China will determine how the China-EU relationship develops going forward. Despite strong, justified opposition from China, as well as from within its own member states and various industries, the European Union's decision to impose a 37.6% so-called anti-dumping duty on Chinese Electric Vehicles (EVs) is extremely embarrassing for the global liberalization of free trade and the promotion of green cooperatio…

ecns.cn (2024-09-24). Quad meet slammed as attempt to curb China. ecns.cn Beijing has slammed Washington for "patching up small and exclusive circles" and urged it to let go of the "obsession with containing China", shortly after the United States hosted a Quad summit.

ecns.cn (2024-09-24). Sino-Swiss free trade agreement in upgrade negotiations. ecns.cn China and Switzerland commenced negotiations to upgrade the Sino-Swiss free trade agreement (FTA) on Monday, said the Ministry of Commerce in an online statement.

ecns.cn (2024-09-24). China, Japan agree to maintain stable relations. ecns.cn China and Japan agreed to maintain communication to prevent isolated incidents from affecting bilateral relations, as Vice-Foreign Minister Sun Weidong met on Monday in Beijing with Yoshifumi Tsuge, Japan's state minister for foreign affairs.

ecns.cn (2024-09-24). U.S. visas for Chinese students on rise, official says; concerns remain about unfair treatment. ecns.cn The United States remains the top destination for Chinese students studying abroad despite concerns among students and parents over visas and public security, said an official with the U.S. embassy in Beijing.

ecns.cn (2024-09-24). U.S. needs to end obsession with containing China: Chinese foreign ministry. ecns.cn The United States needs to end its obsession with perpetuating its supremacy and containing China, and cease using regional countries as its tools, a Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson said on Monday. | Spokesperson Lin Jian made the remarks at a daily press briefing following U.S. President Joe Biden's claims that China continues to act aggressively and is testing the U.S. and its allies in the Indo-Pacific region, claims which he made at the Quad summit in the U.S. over the weekend.

Dominic Ruck Keene (2024-09-24). Nursing home held not to be a public authority for the purposes of an Article 2 claim. ukhumanrightsblog.com In Sammut v Next Steps Mental Healthcare Ltd and Greater Manchester Mental Health Foundation Trust [2024] EWHC 2265(KB), HHJ Bird sitting as a judge of the High Court gave summary judgment in favour of the first defendant in a claim against a care home brought on behalf of the estate of a mental health patient …

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