Consortium News. (2023-07-08). Assange Appeal — The US-UK Deception. The 'Perfected Grounds of Appeal' submitted by Julian Assange's lawyers to the High Court of England and Wales reveals new evidence of deception by both Britain and the United States. Emmy Butlin from the Julian Assange Defence Committee discusses the revelations with Cathy Vogan, executive producer of CN Live!. Recorded July 3, 2023 on Julian Assange's 52nd birthday, his 5th spent on remand in Belmarsh Prison in London. "So there were things that leapt out at me, things I knew about already, but more detail, some transcripts, very important points. And well, one of the things was that we thought that there was a…
Labor Video Project (2023-07-08). On Julian Assange's Birthday: SF Rally To Free Him & Mumia Abu-jamal. On Julian Assange's birthday on July 2, 2023 a solidarity rally was held at the Harry Bridges Plaza in San Francisco to demand his freedom.
Editor (2023-07-07). Ben & Jerry's, CodePink Co-Founders Arrested in DC Demanding Freedom for Julian Assange.
"It seems to me," said Ben Cohen, "that, right now, unless things change, and unless we change them, freedom of the press is going up in smoke."
WSWS (2023-07-07). FBI trying to pressure British journalists into giving evidence against Assange. The activities of the FBI in London indicate an escalation of the campaign against WikiLeaks and Assange, now being spearheaded by the Biden administration.
Melissa Garriga, CODEPINK. (2023-07-07). CODEPINK'S Co-Founder And Ben & Jerry'S Co-Founder Protest Prosecution Of Julian Assange. Ben Cohen, co-founder of Ben & Jerry's, and Jodie Evans, co-founder of CODEPINK, have been arrested for blocking the entrance to the Department of Justice. Cohen and Evans arrived in Washington, D.C. to protest the US government's prosecution of Wikileaks publisher Julian Assange, who has been indicted on 18 charges for the publication of the Afghan War Diary and the Iraq War Logs, which uncovered war crimes, torture, and civilian deaths perpetrated by the US government. "It's outrageous. Julian Assange is nonviolent. He is presumed innocent. And yet somehow or other, he has been imprisoned in solitary confi… (2023-07-08). Huawei unveiled latest AI large language model. Huawei Technologies Co on Friday unveiled the latest version of its artificial intelligence large language model Pangu 3.0, as part of its broader push to leverage AI to accelerate digital transformation in a wide range of sectors. (2023-07-08). China-made large models and generative AI dazzle WAIC 2023. The World Artificial Intelligence Conference (WAIC) 2023 is underway in Shanghai from July 7 to 9, focusing on large models and generative artificial intelligence (AI) under the theme "Intelligent Connectivity Generating Future." (2023-07-08). World Artificial Intelligence Conference kicks off in Shanghai. (2023-07-07). China to accelerate AI industry policies. China will accelerate the research and formulation of artificial intelligence industry policies, and increase innovation and research on foundational technologies such as computing power and algorithms. (2023-07-08). China-made large models and generative AI dazzle WAIC 2023. The World Artificial Intelligence Conference (WAIC) 2023 is underway in Shanghai from July 7 to 9, focusing on large models and generative artificial intelligence (AI) under the theme "Intelligent Connectivity Generating Future." (2023-07-08). World Artificial Intelligence Conference kicks off in Shanghai. (2023-07-07). China to accelerate AI industry policies. China will accelerate the research and formulation of artificial intelligence industry policies, and increase innovation and research on foundational technologies such as computing power and algorithms. (2023-07-07). Event showcases nation's leading role, breakthroughs in artificial intelligence. China has achieved remarkable progress in the field of artificial intelligence — proof is its second position in the Artificial Intelligence Innovation Index for the third straight year, trailing only the United States. (2023-07-07). Gang uses artificial intelligence to profit off fake videos. Police in Shaoxing, Zhejiang province, have cracked down on a gang that was profiting by releasing fake videos on the internet assisted by ChatGPT, an AI chatbot developed by United States company OpenAI.
newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-07-07). Mayo Clinic researchers pioneer AI method to predict how cells are organized in disease microenvironments. Cells in the human body, the building blocks of life, are arranged in a precise way. That's necessary because pathways and spaces provide a means for cells to communicate, collaborate and function within the specific tissue or organ. Changes in cell arrangement can lead to uncontrolled cell growth, cell death and diseases, including cancer. Scientists at the Mayo Clinic Center for Individualized Medicine and Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center have developed an artificial intelligence method, called Spatially Informed Artificial… (2023-07-08). Former ADF major says military industrial complex 'keeps us chained to the past'.
Wolfgang Mueller (2023-07-08). China's further development has priority. The focus of Chinese policy remains the economic and social development of the country… Despite the enormous successes in economic and social development, there is still a long way to go before China catches up and can also keep up with the rich industrialized countries in terms of per capita economic output.
_____ (2023-07-07). CIA Running Ukraine Blows Biden's Bluster About No U.S. Boots on the Ground. Ukraine is ground zero for the CIA's fascist origins | The American magazine Newsweek published a big "exclusive" report this week purporting to reveal the extent of CIA involvement in the Ukraine proxy war against Russia. It hardly merits the billing of "exclusive" since it is well known that the U.S. spy agency is up to its neck in orchestrating the conflict. | In truth, the CIA's nefarious role in Ukraine goes back decades to the end of World War Two. More on that further down. | Nevertheless, the Newsweek article provides a useful admission that Washington is recklessly — and criminally — fueling…
Margaret Kimberley, Black Agenda Report. (2023-07-08). The Supreme Court And Political Corruption. The Supreme Court of the United States is enshrined in the Constitution as one of three branches of government, the other two being the Executive branch, the presidency, and the Legislative branch, the Senate and House of Representatives. In other words the Court is a lawmaking body. The 1954 Brown v. Board of Education decision was a landmark, a case that most Black people commit to memory. The Court declared that public accommodations could not be considered equal if they were separate, and thus began the long road to ending segregation in the law.
Susan Jaffe (2023-07-08). World Report] US affirmative action ruling may harm health equity. Health and science groups warn the Supreme Court's decision threatens workforce diversity and patient care. Susan Jaffe reports from Washington DC.
A Guest Author, Will Hodgkinson, K. James (2023-07-08). The Indian Child Welfare Act upheld!
On June 15, the Supreme Court of the United States voted to uphold the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) in Brackeen v. Haaland, a Supreme Court case that sought to declare ICWA unconstitutional. Had SCOTUS failed to uphold ICWA, the results would have been disastrous for Native nations and communities. . . . |
Chris Walker (2023-07-07). Activists Call for Protests of Iowa Governor's Anti-Abortion Special Session. Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds (R) announced on Wednesday that due to a recent deadlock in the state Supreme Court, she will be calling legislators to a special session to further restrict abortion rights. In a statement issued this week, Reynolds said that the Republican-run legislature would convene on July 11, with the "sole purpose of enacting legislation that addresses abortion." "Not only will I… |
Editor (2023-07-07). Affirmative Action Is Upheld in Military Academies. Why Might 'Diversity' Matter to the US Military?
The US Supreme Court struck down race-based admissions in civilian universities but left military academies alone. The military's relentless recruitment of the poor and dispossessed could be to blame.
Kwolanne Felix (2023-07-07). I Saw the Importance of Affirmative Action at My Ivy League University Firsthand. On the day that the Supreme Court announced its ruling to ban affirmative action's race-conscious admissions, I had an appointment to stop by my alma mater. I walked into Columbia University for the first time since I graduated just a few weeks ago. I took in the stunning view of perfectly manicured lawns and the grandeur of the buildings that I called home over the last five years. |
Peoples Dispatch (2023-07-07). Peruvian Prosecutor's Office requests seizure of Pedro Castillo's assets. The political persecution of Pedro Castillo continues in Peru. On Thursday July 6, the Prosecutor's Office requested the seizure of real estate properties and other personal assets of former left-wing President Castillo and his former Prime Minister Aníbal Torres. | Prosecutor Daniel Soria made the request to the Preparatory Investigation Court of the Supreme Court of Justice in the case lodged against Castillo after he
Sharon Zhang (2023-07-07). Poll Finds Most Voters Disagree With Most Recent Anti-LGBTQ Decision From SCOTUS. The majority of voters disagree with the outcome of the Supreme Court's latest anti-LGBTQ ruling allowing businesses to discriminate against people based on their sexual orientation, new polling finds. According to a survey from Data for Progress released this week, 65 percent of likely voters say that businesses should not be allowed to deny services to people based on their race, religion… |
Abayomi Azikiwe (2023-07-07). Supreme Court Slams Door on Affirmative Action in Higher Education.
Chris Walker (2023-07-07). Activists Call for Protests of Iowa Gov's Anti-Abortion Special Session. Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds (R) announced on Wednesday that due to a recent deadlock in the state Supreme Court, she will be calling legislators to a special session to further restrict abortion rights. In a statement issued this week, Reynolds said that the Republican-run legislature would convene on July 11, with the "sole purpose of enacting legislation that addresses abortion." "Not only will I… |
The Dissenter (2023-07-07). Unauthorized Disclosure Rewind: Daniel Ellsberg.
In July, enjoy free access to new "Unauthorized Disclosure" podcast posts. If you appreciate the show, In June, we said farewell to Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg. He was interviewed on this podcast twice. | From the "Unauthorized Disclosure" archives, we share an interview with Ellsberg from 2018, where he discussed his book, "Doomsday Machine: Confessions Of a Nuclear War Planner."Ellsberg's book recounted his journey as he discovered how close a nuclear strike by the United States government or a war between the…