Daily Archives: May 4, 2022

2022-05-04: News Headlines

Rachel Hu, Chris Garaffa (2022-05-04). CovertAction Bulletin Podcast: Julian Assange & the U.S. War on Whistleblowers. covertactionmagazine.com In this special episode of CovertAction Bulletin, we spend the entire hour with former CIA analyst and field agent John Kiriakou. Kiriakou became a whistleblower when he exposed the CIA's official torture program—and then became the only person jailed for it. | We discuss how the ongoing campaign against Julian Assange should inform us about how to view and support the work of other whistleblowers. While Assange remains in prison and under threat of extradition and trial in the U.S., the threat to journalists, publishers and activists continues to grow.

Staff (2022-05-04). Noam Chomsky sobre Julian Assange: Cometió un pecado capital al develar crímenes de los Estados Unidos. cubadebate.cu En una reciente entrevista, realizada por su fiel colaborador, C. J. Polychroniou, Noam Chomsky, una de las más destacadas personalidades académicas vivas, comparte su opinión sobre el caso de Julian Assange y lo que revela sobre los principios democráticos estadounidenses su ya casi segura extradición a los Estados Unidos, por haber cometido el "delito" de divulgar información pública sobre las guerras de Afganistán e Irak. Cubadebate reproduce este fragmento…

WSWS (2022-05-04). New Zealand, Japan prime ministers sign security pact. wsws.org The preparations for intelligence sharing are particularly significant as Japan is seeking entry into the top-level, US-led "Five Eyes" spy network, in which New Zealand is a partner along with Britain, Canada and Australia.

_____ (2022-05-04). Democrats Have No Plan To Stop The Overturning Of Roe V. Wade. popularresistance.org The Supreme Court is on the verge of overturning Roe v. Wade. And yet, there is currently no cohesive national campaign from either the Democratic party or large reproductive rights organizations to fight back. Abortion activists and healthcare workers are becoming increasingly frustrated with this failure, often finding themselves at odds with their supposed advocates as they try to ensure access to abortion in states like Texas and Kentucky, which are already facing extreme limitations. "The Democratic Party has not had any substantial response to the recent attacks on Roe. Their statements and brief denounceme…

Peter Certo (2022-05-04). In OtherWords: May 4, 2022. otherwords.org This week, a leaked draft opinion confirmed that the Supreme Court's right-wing members are ready to overturn Roe v. Wade — and with it, half a century of previously settled law. | This will be an extremely damaging ruling,

Olivia Alperstein (2022-05-04). Nothing Is More Personal Than the Right to Control Your Own Body. otherwords.org The personal, as they say, is political. And there's nothing more personal than the right to control your own body. | So as a human with reproductive organs, the leaked draft of a Supreme Court opinion overruling Roe v. Wade — and the constitutional right to abortion — is obviously personal to me. But it's personal for another reason, too. | I come from a line of pro-choice advocates. My late grandmother, Eileen Alperstein, was on the board of a Planned Parenthood chapter. She fought to get an ad placed in The New York Times to shine a light on the issue, well before Roe v. Wade was settled. | She mar…

Ann Brown (2022-05-04). Liberal Writer On Flip Of Roe v. Wade: How Would White Supremacist Lawmakers Feel If Black Men Raped Their Daughters? moguldom.com When feminist writer Amanda Duarte took to Twitter to complain about the Supreme Court's flip flop on Roe v. Wade, she was accused of sending out a racist tweet. A leaked draft of a Supreme Court opinion obtained by Politico confirmed that the highest court is poised to strike down the landmark Roe v. Wade abortion rights …

WSWS (2022-05-04). Mobilize the working class to oppose the attack on abortion rights! wsws.org The draft opinion of the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade is an illegitimate, anti-democratic and unconstitutional assault on the democratic rights of the entire population.

deweylaura (2022-05-04). Abortion rights: Here today, gone tomorrow (unless we act). cpusa.org Abortion is legal today. And likely even tomorrow. And next week. But when the Supreme Court publishes its decision to reverse Roe v. Wade, a decision apparently made in February but leaked on May 3 to Politico, women will no longer have the reproductive rights they fought so hard for. Let's be clear. Poor …

A Guest Author (2022-05-04). Abolish SCOTUS not Roe v. Wade! workers.org By Joanna Straugh The Supreme Court of the United States has the votes to overturn Roe v. Wade, the landmark 1973 case legalizing abortion in the United States. This was revealed in a draft opinion by Justice Samuel Alito that came to press without the Court's permission. The historically unprecedented . . . |

Amy Goodman (2022-05-03). Russian and US Escalations Raise Risk of Direct Military Clash in Ukraine. truthout.org As President Biden seeks $33 billion more for Ukraine, we look at the dangers of U.S. military escalation with Medea Benjamin of CodePink and George Beebe of the Quincy Institute. He is the former head of Russia analysis at the CIA and a former adviser to Vice President Dick Cheney. The massive spending in Ukraine that outweighs public funding to combat the coronavirus pandemic shows that "there are very few things that the Biden administration thinks are more important right now than defeating Russia, and I don't think that accords, actually, with the priorities of the American people," says Beebe. "To support t…

Anonymous765 (2022-05-03). Locations Of US Carrier Strike Groups — May 3, 2022. southfront.org This is the newest update of the 'U.S. Carrier Strike Groups Locations Map' exclusive series showing the approximate locations of U.S. Carrier Strike Groups. SouthFront: Analysis & Intelligence tracks locations of U.S. aircraft carriers using the available open-source information. No classified information was used in production of the map. | click to see the full-size image | Carrier strike group (CSG) is an operational formation of the United States Navy. It is centered on an aircraft carrier and a carrier ai…

Benjamin Norton (2022-05-03). CNN and NY Times help US gov't lie about spying on Americans. multipolarista.com CNN and the New York Times echoed a blatant lie from the Department of Homeland Security, falsely claiming it does not monitor Americans. DHS has for years spied on US journalists and protesters.

_____ (2022-05-03). US Coup Specialist Victoria Nuland Visits Brazil. popularresistance.org The US Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs, Victoria Nuland, arrived in Brazil last week for a "Meeting with Young Entrepreneurs from Brazil" and "High-Level Brazil-United States of America Dialogue". | In an official statement, the visit was called a "diplomatic mission" that aims to bring Brazil closer to US foreign policy. | The arrival of the coup specialist in the midst of Bolsonaro's attacks on the Federal Supreme Court and the Electoral Court (TSE) may also mean that the pressure may be accompanied by promises of American support for Bolsonaro's current coup intentions, despite public statements…

Johanna Kichton (2022-05-03). People's Action's Sulma Arias: Roe Protects Essential Health Care. peoplesaction.org Contact: Johanna Kichton, press@peoplesaction.org, 202.660.0605 WASHINGTON, D.C.—People's Action released the following statement from executive director Sulma Arias in response to reports that the Supreme Court of the United States intends to overturn Roe v. Wade: "Every person should get every kind of health care that they need, whenever they need it. The right-wing justices on …

Isheka N. Harrison (2022-05-03). Black America Responds To Shock Supreme Court Leak of Draft Decision To Flip Roe vs Wade. moguldom.com The nation had a bombshell dropped on it when an initial draft majority opinion of a Supreme Court opinion was leaked showing the court's conservative majority is planning to overturn the landmark abortion rights case Roe vs. Wade. Politico was the first media outlet to break the news on Monday, May 2. According to the …

Fight Back (2022-05-03). Keep abortion legal! Defend women's and reproductive rights! fightbacknews.org May 2, 2022 | A leak of a draft majority opinion overturning the historic Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade is circulating in the press. Written by Justice Samuel Alito, the leak confirms what many have suspected: the Supreme Court is poised to overturn federal constitutional protections of abortion rights. If Roe is overturned, 26 U.S. states will likely enact bans on abortion. Freedom Road Socialist Organization condemns in the strongest possible terms this attack on reproductive freedom. | We call on all working class, oppressed, and progressive people to take to the streets and fight for our lives — in…

Liberation Staff (2022-05-03). PSL Statement: Supreme Court declares war on women and abortion rights — Take to the streets! liberationnews.org A heroic individual has leaked to the public the decision by the Supreme Court to end abortion rights by overturning the Roe v Wade decision, and the earlier Casey decision.

Johanna Kichton (2022-05-03). People's Action's Sulma Arias: Roe Protects Essential Health CareÔøº. peoplesaction.org Contact: Johanna Kichton, press@peoplesaction.org, 202.660.0605 WASHINGTON, D.C.—People's Action released the following statement from executive director Sulma Arias in response to reports that the Supreme Court of the United States intends to overturn Roe v. Wade: "Every person should get every kind of health care that they need, whenever they need it. The right-wing justices on …

Mark Gruenberg (2022-05-03). Court's draft ruling a part of a bigger right-wing strategy. peoplesworld.org WASHINGTON—A draft U.S. Supreme Court majority opinion eliminating abortion rights angered women and pro-choice advocates and sparked a political war on both sides of what anti-abortionists have made their cultural issue keystone for 49 years. "Hey, hey, ho, ho! Sam Alito has got to go!," hundreds of protesters chanted in front of the Supreme Court …

Brett Wilkins (2022-05-03). Leaked draft opinion shows Supreme Court set to strike down Roe v. Wade. nationofchange.org "While abortion is still legal, tonight's report makes clear that our deepest fears are coming true. We have reached a crisis moment for abortion access. We don't have a moment to spare—we must act now."

Sharon Zhang (2022-05-03). "SCOTUS Isn't Just Coming for Abortion" Warns Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. truthout.org After a draft opinion showing that the Supreme Court is prepared to vote to overturn Roe v. Wade The draft opinion, written by Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito,

WSWS (2022-05-03). Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade, ending right to abortion. wsws.org The decision is an assault on the democratic rights of the entire population. Its content is politically, legally and morally abhorrent.

Dave Id (2022-05-03). The Supreme Court Intends to Completely Overturn Roe v Wade, Draft Opinion Reveals. indybay.org In a stunning breach of US Supreme Court secrecy, a draft majority opinion written by justice Samuel Alito has been leaked. The would-be ruling is outrageous. Alito makes the case for completely overturning Roe v Wade (1973) and Planned Parenthood v Casey (1992), allowing states to outlaw all abortions without exceptions for rape and incest. Half of the country will eliminate reproductive freedom within months, if not the very day the final ruling is issued.

splcenter (2022-05-03). Mapping Out Justice: SPLC, ACLU file suit to force fair Mississippi Supreme Court districts. splcenter.org

Chris Walker (2022-05-03). Leaked SCOTUS Draft Ending "Roe" Argues Abortion Isn't Part of US History. truthout.org The United States Supreme Court is poised to undo nearly half a century of precedent protecting the right to abortion throughout the country, according to a leaked draft opinion written by one of its conservative justices. | On Monday evening,

Lizzie Chadbourne (2022-05-03). Abortion Would Be Immediately Prohibited in 24 States If SCOTUS Overturns "Roe" truthout.org According to a memo leaked to Politico yesterday, the Supreme Court has privately voted to overturn

National Mobilization for Repro Justice-SF (2022-05-03). Tuesday 5/3: Protest at Courthouses Including SF-Supreme Court Intends to Overthrow Roe v. Wade. indybay.org Philip Burton Federal Bldg/US Courthouse | 450 Golden Gate (at Polk St.)…

Peoples Dispatch (2022-05-03). US Supreme Court set to eradicate abortion rights. peoplesdispatch.org As per a draft decision leaked yesterday and published in Politico, May 3, the Supreme Court is set to overturn the historic Roe v. Wade ruling of 1973, thus eradicating abortion rights in the United States. | The draft decision was penned by Justice Samuel Alito, a conservative George Bush-appointed judge. He did not hold back on his criticism of Roe, which is the only federal protection for abortion rights for women across the United States. "Roe was egregiously wrong from the start," he wrote. "Its reasoning was exceptionally weak, and the decision has had damaging consequences." | The ruling of Roe was based…

Abortion Rights Now (2022-05-03). Immediate Response to Supreme Court Leak at Federal Bldg in Oakland. indybay.org On May 2 at 5: 30pm Pacific Time, the news hit that the U.S. Supreme Court plans to strike down Roe v. Wade, overturning abortion rights, according to a draft majority opinion obtained by Politico. Abortion rights activists in Oakland, California were on the streets within 3 hours. | 44 second mp4 video…

Editor (2022-05-03). U.S. gov't creates 'Ministry of Truth' run by cold warrior who smears independent media as 'Russian disinformation'. mronline.org The authoritarian Department of Homeland Security (DHS) that oversaw the War on Terror created a "Disinformation Governance Board," led by anti-Russia information warrior Nina Jankowicz, who ran regime-change ops at a CIA front, smears independent anti-war U.S. media outlets as "Russian disinfo," and called WikiLeaks "scum."

John Potash (2022-05-03). After Decapitating Radical Black Movement of the 1960s and 70s, FBI and CIA Then Went After the Next Generation. covertactionmagazine.com Malcolm X's daughter and grandson, Fred Hampton's son and Tupac Shakur, son of Black Panther Party leaders, were among those …

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