Jeremy Loffredo (2021-10-26). 'Cloak and dagger' military-intelligence outfit at center of US digital vaccine passport push. Described as "the most important organization you've never heard of," MITRE rakes in massive security state contracts to pioneer invasive spy tech. Now it's at the heart of a campaign to implement digital vaccine passports. While vaccine passports have been marketed as a boon to public health, promising safety, privacy, and convenience for those who have been vaccinated against Covid-19, the pivotal role a shadowy military-intelligence organization is playing in the push to implement the system in digital form has …
_____ (2021-10-26). The US Will Break Any Laws To Protect The Elites: The Saab And Assange Cases. The United States government demonstrates repeatedly that it will do whatever it takes to protect the economic and political interests of the elites, even if it means total disregard for human rights and international law. Two cases that highlight this are the recent kidnapping and prosecution of Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab and the attempts to extradite the Australian Wikileaks publisher and journalist Julian Assange. Clearing the FOG speaks with Roger Harris of Task Force on the Americas who travelled to Cabo Verde where Saab was detained and tortured for over a year before his rendition to Miami and with Joe…
Alexander Rubinstein (2021-10-26). Facebook 'Whistleblower' Frances Haugen Represented by US Intelligence Insiders.
By Alexander Rubinstein — Oct 21, 2021 | The background of Frances Haugen's Whistleblower Aid legal team indicates she was cultivated to complete Facebook's transformation into a vehicle for the US national security state. | A former employee of Facebook named Frances Haugen earned national renown after While Haugen has presented herself as a "w…
Moderator (2021-10-26). Chris Hedges and John Pilger on the 'Show Trial' of Julian Assange. RT via YouTube | As supporters of Julian Assange
jsgold1 (2021-10-26). Supreme Court considers asylum claim decided under quashed fast track rules.
In 2015, the Court of Appeal found that the fast-track procedure rules for appeals against the refusal of some types of asylum claim (the FTR) was "structurally unfair, unjust and ultra vires" (R (Detention Action) v First-tier Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber) [2015] EWCA Civ 840; [2015] 1 WLR 5341, known as DA6). The Court …
Amy Goodman (2021-10-25). Rep. Ro Khanna Decries Facebook's Role in India.
A consortium of 17 news outlets is examining the "Facebook Papers," a trove of internal documents turned over to federal regulators by Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen that sheds new light on the social media giant's role in spreading misinformation and polarizing content. The documents reveal most of Facebook's efforts to combat online hate are focused on the United States, even though 90% of users are outside the country. A test account set up by Facebook managers to represent an average young adult user in India quick…
sputniknews (2021-10-25). Facebook Exec Reportedly Warns Employees of 'More Bad Headlines' to Come. Reports citing internal Facebook documents have been emerging since Friday, when outlets began publishing excerpts of testimony by Frances Haugen, a former Facebook employee-turned-whistleblower who testified before a US Senate panel earlier this month. The unexpected cascade of content was originally scheduled to go live on Monday.
Staff (2021-10-25). Rep. Ro Khanna, Grandson of Activist Jailed with Gandhi Movement, Decries Facebook's Role in India.
A consortium of 17 news outlets is examining the "Facebook Papers," a trove of internal documents turned over to federal regulators by Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen that sheds new light on the social media giant's role in spreading misinformation and polarizing content. The documents reveal most of Facebook's efforts to combat online hate are focused on the United States, even though 90% of users are outside the country. A test account set up by Facebook managers to represent an average young adult user in India quickly became flooded with Hindu nationalist propaganda, anti-Muslim hate speech and inciteme…
Robert C. Koehler (2021-10-25). Assange: A Threat to War Itself.
Sam Carliner (2021-10-25). Fate of Anti-War Journalism Lies in Upcoming Assange Hearings.
Marjorie Cohn (2021-10-25). UK High Court Should Deny Extradition Because CIA Planned to Assassinate Assange. Why is Joe Biden's Department of Justice continuing Donald Trump's persecution of WikiLeaks founder, publisher and journalist Julian Assange?>
Staff (2021-10-25). Free Julian Assange: Snowden, Varoufakis, Corbyn & Tariq Ali Speak Out Ahead of Extradition Hearing.
As jailed WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange faces an extradition hearing Wednesday in London, supporters gathered Friday for the Belmarsh Tribunal, named for the Belmarsh maximum security prison where Assange is being held. The mock trial highlighted major WikiLeaks revelations of U.S. war crimes and demanded Assange's freedom. Assange faces up to 175 years in prison in the U.S. under the Espionage Act for publishing classified documents exposing U.S. war crimes. Though a British judge blocked his extradition in January, the U.S. appealed the decision. We feature speakers from the tribunal, including writer Tariq…
Paul Dobson (2021-10-25). 'El Pollo' Carvajal Extradition to US Suspended, Expected to Proceed Shortly. The Venezuelan former intelligence chief and fierce Maduro critic was arrested in Spain on drug trafficking charges.
MEE staff (2021-10-25). Saudi crown prince boasted he could kill King Abdullah, says former spy chief.
Saudi crown prince boasted he could kill King Abdullah, says former spy chief | Saad al-Jabri calls Mohammed Bin Salman a 'psychopath killer' and says he sent a death squad to target him in Canada | Mon, 10/25/2021 – 09: 25 | Former Saudi intelligence official Saad al-Jabri speaks with 60 Minutes in an interview aired on Sunday (Screenshot) | Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman boasted that he could kill Sa…
WSWS (2021-10-25). Supreme Court doubles down to shield abusive police officers from misconduct lawsuits. In two recent cases the Supreme Court delivered 9-0 orders upholding so-called qualified immunity to shield police and detention facility officers from excessive-force claims and other constitutional lawsuits.
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