2021-11-10: News Headlines

WSWS (2021-11-10). Assange and fiancée challenge British government's refusal to allow them to marry. wsws.org This display of bureaucratic cruelty can only be aimed at deepening Assange's mental health issues, which are the result of more than a decade of state persecution.

Staff (2021-11-09). Julian Assange's Fiancée Stella Moris: WikiLeaks Helped Expose Climate Change Hypocrisy & War Crimes. democracynow.org Britain's High Court is expected to decide in the coming weeks whether to extradite WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to the United States, where he faces up to 175 years in prison under espionage charges for publishing classified documents exposing U.S. war crimes. We get an update from Assange's partner, Stella Moris, who is in Glasgow as part of her campaign to free Julian and to highlight how WikiLeaks has also revealed evidence of how corporations and states have undermined the goals of prior climate summits. Moris says WikiLeaks is an "extraordinary tool … to understand the relationships between the states…

Binoy Kampmark (2021-11-09). The CIA and empty assurances: Day 2 of the US appeal against Julian Assange. greenleft.org.au Binoy Kampmark sums up the second day of the extradition appeal by the United States against Wikileaks founder Julian Assange.

Staff (2021-11-09). Julian Assange's Fiancée: U.K. Blocking Our Attempt to Marry While He Is Tortured in Belmarsh Prison. democracynow.org Stella Moris, partner of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, says British authorities have so far blocked attempts for her and Assange to marry while he is being held in Belmarsh prison. Supporters have also raised concerns Assange has become suicidal. "They are killing him. If he dies, it is because they are killing him," Moris says. "They are torturing him to death."

Staff (2021-11-09). One of the greatest pushers of disgraced Steele Dossier is trying to distance himself from it. rt.com House Intelligence Committee chair Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) has scrambled to spin the Russiagate narrative following the arrest of one of the scandal's major sources, exposing some massive hypocrisy in the bargain. | Schiff acknowledged that anyone who lied to the FBI and to British ex-spy Christopher Steele should be prosecuted during a Tuesday appearance on The View, where he was grilled by Donald Trump's former State Department spokeswoman Morgan Ortagus over his role in the ever-metastasizing Russiagate scandal. However, the California Democrat managed to evade further questioning along that line with a bit…

Anonymous765 (2021-11-09). Locations Of US Carrier Strike Groups — November 9, 2021. southfront.org This is the newest update of the 'U.S. Carrier Strike Groups Locations Map' exclusive series showing the approximate locations of U.S. Carrier Strike Groups. SouthFront: Analysis & Intelligence tracks locations of U.S. aircraft carriers using the available open-source information. No classified information was used in production of the map. | click to see the full-size image | Carrier strike group (CSG) is an operational formation of the United States Navy. It is centered on an aircraft carrier and a carrier ai…

Heather L. Weaver (2021-11-09). The Final Religious Request of a Man on Death Row is in the Supreme Court's Hands. aclu.org Texas plans to execute John H. Ramirez, but state officials are not satisfied with merely taking his life. They are also intent on denying him the right to practice his faith when it matters most—in his final moments. Mr. Ramirez, a Christian, has asked that his longtime pastor be able to touch him and pray aloud over him as he dies. When the state refused this modest religious accommodation, the Supreme Court stepped in, delaying the execution and agreeing to hear Mr. Ramirez's case. Oral argument is set for November 9. | In Mr. Ramirez's Baptist tradition, the practice of spiritual touch by a pastor is…

Dr Aseem Malhotra FRCP (2021-11-09). BMJ Whistleblower Investigation Reveals Evidence of Falsifying Data in Pivotal Pfizer COVID Vaccine Trial. globalresearch.ca To receive Global Research's Daily Newsletter (selected articles), Visit …

Aaron Maté (2021-11-09). Ex CIA analyst on hidden realities of Syria war and new novel 'Damascus Station'. thegrayzone.com Former CIA analyst David McCloskey, who covered Syria from 2008 to 2014, on the roots of Syria's war, the US role, and his new novel set during the conflict's early years, "Damascus Station." As a CIA analyst, David McCloskey covered Syria from 2008 to 2014. He draws on his experience for his new spy thriller, "Damascus Station," set during the early years of the Syrian war. David McCloskey joins Aaron Maté to discuss "Damascus Station"; the early years of the …

Aaron Maté (2021-11-09). Fmr. CIA analyst on the hidden realities of Syria's war and new novel, 'Damascus Station'. thegrayzone.com Former CIA analyst David McCloskey, who covered Syria from 2008 to 2014, on the roots of Syria's war, the US role, and his new novel set during the conflict's early years, "Damascus Station." As a CIA analyst, David McCloskey covered Syria from 2008 to 2014. He draws on his experience for his new spy thriller, "Damascus Station," set during the early years of the Syrian war. David McCloskey joins Aaron Maté to discuss "Damascus Station"; the early years of the …

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