Daily Archives: December 29, 2020

2020-12-29: News Headlines

Ralph Nader (2020-12-29). Recidivist Criminal and Constitutional Outlaw Trump Rushes to Pardon Criminal Lawbreakers. counterpunch.org Serial lawbreaker Donald J. Trump is embarking on the most sordid presidential pardon spree in American history. He has already pardoned convicted crooks, thieves, and violent outlaws. Trump's pardon lawyers are frantically assembling more MAGA besotted individuals and groups to be pardoned wholesale. The number may climb into the hundreds. The queue is long. Trump

Dr. Binoy Kampmark (2020-12-29). The NDAA, Trump and the Military Industrial Complex. globalresearch.ca For decades, the National Defense Authorization Act has been the lifeblood of the US imperium, guaranteeing a flow of money across the military. A better term for such a bill would use the word offence in it, but lawmakers and …

Online News Editor (2020-12-29). Taliban behind 99 percent attacks this year, Afghan intelligence says. laprensalatina.com Kabul, Dec 29 (efe-epa).- The Taliban are behind 99 percent of the terror attacks carried out within the past year in Afghanistan, including a recent wave of almost daily targeted killings that have rocked the country, the principal intelligence agency of the country said on Tuesday. In 2020 "out of 18,200 attacks, 99 percent were …

Philip Giraldi (2020-12-29). A Pardoning Time of Year. Julian Assange and Edward Snowden? globalresearch.ca The resistance to the apparent election of Joe Biden as President of the United States is continuing to play out. Current President Donald Trump is continuing to fight against the presumed results of the November national election with his final …

Medea Benjamin (2020-12-29). Why Senators Must Reject Avril Haines for Intelligence. mintpressnews.com This unassuming spy may look and sound like your favorite college professor, but that facade masks a ruthless wolf in sheep's clothing who enabled murder by remote control and wielded a thick black pen to cover-up CIA torture.

Melvin Goodman (2020-12-29). An Open Letter to Biden: Selecting a CIA Director. counterpunch.org I'm assuming that you and your team are still debating the selection of a director for the Central Intelligence Agency. I hope that you don't think me presumptuous for making some suggestions. I'm doing this on the basis of my 24 years of experience as a CIA intelligence analyst as well as my candid testimony before the Senate intelligence committee several decades ago regarding the confirmation process.

_____ (2020-12-29). The Fate Of Press Freedom To Be Decided On January 4. popularresistance.org Judge Vanessa Baraitser will announce her decision on the United States' request to extradite Julian Assange on January 4. Assange faces 18 charges, 17 of them under the Espionage Act, which has been weaponized to go after journalists who expose war crimes and other truths the United States wants to keep secret. If he is extradited, it will end press freedom as we know it. Any journalist anywhere in the world will know they could face similar consequences if they expose the US government. I speak with Kevin Gosztola of Shadowproof, who has been following the extradition process closely, about what is likely to ha…

BACFJA (2020-12-29). Monday 1/4: Drop The Charges Against Assange & Snowden: Free Them NOW! indybay.org British Consulate | 1 Sansome St. | San Francisco…

WorkWeek (2020-12-29). WorkWeek Exposes Racist & Corrupt SF City Health Service System Boss Mitch Griggs. indybay.org WorkWeek on Thursday 12/31/20 at 12 noon on San Francisco's KPOO 94.1 FM www.kpoo.com will have guests who expose the systemic racism and corruption at the San Francisco City Health Service System run by Mitch Griggs and also at the Department of Public Health. Joining the show will be the new editor of the SF Bay View Malik Washington who broke the story of the racist terrorism against SF City Health Service worker Malika Alima. Also joining the show will be SFCC Department of Public Health nurse and whistleblower W.D. Flient.

Hugo Turner (2020-12-27). Guatemala: War and Revolution. globalresearch.ca The CIA coup to overthrow Jacobo Arbenz in 1954 would put the nation of Guatemala on the path to a nightmare future of poverty, war, and genocide. The United States would reshape Guatemala's intelligence military and police to fight a …

MEE and agencies (2020-12-25). Turkey's Erdogan indicates better ties with Israel possible. middleeasteye.net Turkey's Erdogan indicates better ties with Israel possible | President says talks at intelligence level continue between the two sides but Israel's policies on Palestine 'unacceptable' | Fri, 12/25/2020 – 11: 19 | The two countries have had several fallings out in recent years, despite strong commercial ties, expelling ambassadors in 2018 (AFP) | Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan ind…

Dave Lindorff (2020-12-25). Mumia Gets a New Chance to Challenge His Murder Conviction. counterpunch.org State Supreme Court rejects Faulkner Widow's 'Evidence-Free' Effort to Block Mumia Appeal Mumia Abu-Jamal, the prison journalist long known as the "voice of the voiceless" for his compelling writings and short audio tapes about life behind bars, moved a step closer to getting a chance for a reconsideration of his earliest appeal of his conviction

Brett Wilkins, staff writer (2020-12-25). 'A Blatant Violation': Sahrawis Dismiss Pompeo's Announcement of US Consulate in Moroccan-Occupied Western Sahara. commondreams.org The move comes two weeks after the U.S. became the first country to recognize Morocco's claim of sovereignty in the illegally occupied territory. | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files/styles/cd_special_coverage/public/headline/thumbs/ws.jpg