Daily Archives: December 25, 2020

2020-12-25: News Headlines

MEE and agencies (2020-12-25). Turkey's Erdogan indicates better ties with Israel possible. middleeasteye.net Turkey's Erdogan indicates better ties with Israel possible | President says talks at intelligence level continue between the two sides but Israel's policies on Palestine 'unacceptable' | Fri, 12/25/2020 – 11: 19 | The two countries have had several fallings out in recent years, despite strong commercial ties, expelling ambassadors in 2018 (AFP) | Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan ind…

MEE staff (2020-12-24). US requires illegal settlement products to be labeled 'Made in Israel'. middleeasteye.net US requires illegal settlement products to be labeled 'Made in Israel' | Palestinian Foreign Ministry denounces policy, calls it 'violation of international law' | Thu, 12/24/2020 – 19: 15 | Policy shift was announced by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in November after visit to Israeli settlement in occupied Palestinian West Bank (AFP) | The United States has begun requiring products from Israeli settlement…

Joe Emersberger (2020-12-24). UN agencies not above playing politics with statistics. zcomm.org It's clear that technical departments within the UN sometimes have their work corrupted by the US government and its allies. Consider recent reporting by the Grayzone on OPCW whistleblowers who exposed manipulation of an investigation into alleged chemical weapons use in Syria in 2018. Or recall an example from further back: Hans Blix, the Swedish

commondreams (2020-12-24). 'The Courts Are a Sham': New Hampshire Supreme Court Refuses to Hear Rights of Nature, Healthy Climate Arguments. commondreams.org ______________________________…

WSWS (2020-12-23). Australian educators call for the defence of COVID-19 whistleblower Rebekah Jones. wsws.org Teachers and support staff at Footscray High in Melbourne met in the final days of the school year to show their support for Jones.

Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (2020-12-23). VIPS MEMO: To Biden: Don't be Suckered on Russia. globalresearch.ca MEMORANDUM FOR: The President-elect | FROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) | SUBJECT: Attempts to Sucker You Into Russia-Bashing | Dear President-elect Biden, | "Fool Me Once …" You may recall that President George W. Bush could not remember the last …

sputniknews (2020-12-23). US DoJ Whistleblowers Urge For Investigation Into Canceled Diversity Programs. sputniknews.com Diversity and inclusion programs are planned for the DoJ to allow for important conversations regarding race, nationality and gender.

Online News Editor (2020-12-23). Chinese-Australian writer accused of spying sends messages from prison. laprensalatina.com Sydney, Australia, Dec 23 (efe-epa).- Chinese-Australian writer Yang Hengjun, who was arrested in China at the beginning of 2019 for alleged espionage, said in a series of messages from prison that he is "stronger than ever" and that he has "some confidence in the court" to receive a fair trial. "I think they will give …

Andrew Korybko (2020-12-22). US Cyber Spy Scandal: Pompeo Blames Russia, Trump Blames China. Why? globalresearch.ca The contradictory claims from Secretary of State Pompeo and President Trump blaming Russia and China respectively for carrying out what's been described by many as one of the most intrusive cyber espionage operations against America in history are confusing for …