2020-12-01: News Headlines

Stephen Lendman (2020-12-01). Initial Iranian Response to Assassination of Its Top Nuclear Scientist. globalresearch.ca Iranian parliamentarians responded swiftly to last Friday's assassination of nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh — more from the country's ruling authorities highly likely. | According to Iran's Intelligence Ministry, Fakhrizadeh was martyred by at least one explosion and gunfire from a number …

sputniknews (2020-12-01). Poland, Hungary Expect EU Budget Proposals From Germany, Polish Government Says. sputniknews.com WARSAW (Sputnik) – Poland and Hungary are currently awaiting proposals from Germany on the EU budget, Polish government spokesman Piotr Mueller said, after a meeting between Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban on Monday in Warsaw.

Project Censored (2020-12-01). #2. Monsanto "Intelligence Center" Targeted Journalists and Activists. projectcensored.org The agricultural giant Monsanto—which the German pharmaceutical corporation Bayer acquired in 2018—created an "intelligence fusion center" in order to "monitor and discredit" journalists and activists, Sam Levin reported for the Guardian…

WSWS (2020-12-01). Trudeau government appeals ruling on illegal actions of Canada's secret police. wsws.org On numerous occasions, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service hid from the court that its warrant requests were based on information it had obtained in violation of the law.

Mehr News Agency (2020-12-01). Very clear Israel ordered the assassination of Fakhrizadeh. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Dec. 01 (MNA) — Former acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for Non-Proliferation for US Foreign Service believes that Mike Pompeo almost certainly discussed the assassination of Fakhrizad when he met with Netanyahu in Tel Aviv on 19 November.

Jack Rasmus (2020-11-30). A New Technology That Will Exponentially Expand Government Spying on Citizens. zcomm.org Your smartphone in effect becomes a government listening device that detects and accesses all nearby wireless or bluetooth devices, or anything that has a MAC address for that matter…

_____ (2020-11-30). Upcoming Venezuelan Election Is Another Rejection Of US Imperialism. popularresistance.org On December 6, Venezuelans will vote for a new National Assembly. Just as it has done for the past twenty years, the United States is interfering in the election process and has already falsely claimed the elections are rigged. The last National Assembly election in 2015 was marred by a vote-buying scheme in one remote region. Upon an order from the Supreme Court to redo those races, right-wing parties refused, putting the entire National Assembly in contempt of court. Latin American policy analyst, Leonardo Flores, joins me to speak about this election and the impacts of the US' efforts to interfere and overthro…

_____ (2020-11-30). Questions for BBC on New White Helmets Podcast Series Attacking OPCW Whistleblowers. strategic-culture.org Aaron MATÉ | A new BBC podcast, "Mayday," uses smears, gaping omissions, leaps of logic, and factual errors in a desperate attempt to repair the image of late White Helmets founder James Le Mesurier, and discredit the OPCW inspectors who challenged a cover-up of their Syria chemical weapons probe. Mayday's producer has failed to answer the following questions. | The new BBC podcast

Bay Action to Free Julian Assange (2020-11-30). Thursday 12/10: Barbara Lee Support US HR 1175/1162:Drop Charges Against Assange & Snowden. indybay.org Barbara Lee's Congressional Office | Oakland Federal Building | 1301 Clay St. Oakland.

Pip Hinman (2020-11-30). Julian Assange's father calls on government not to break its own rules. greenleft.org.au John Shipton, the father of jailed WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, has called on the federal government to follow its own rules, reports Jim McIlroy.

Bay Action to Free Julian Assange (2020-11-30). Thursday 12/10: Barbara Lee Support US HR 1175/1162: Drop Charges Against Assange & Snowden. indybay.org Barbara Lee's Congressional Office | Oakland Federal Building | 1301 Clay St. Oakland.

Pip Hinman (2020-11-30). John Shipton calls on government not to break its own rules. greenleft.org.au John Shipton, the father of jailed WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, has called on the federal government to follow its own rules, reports Jim McIlroy.

_____ (2020-11-30). Letter To Rob Davis Governor of HMP Belmarsh. popularresistance.org I am shocked to read that all 56 virus-infected prisoners at Belmarsh have been moved to the same wing as Mr. Assange, who so far by miracle is not infected. This seems utter madness to me and suggests you may want him also to become infected. Everyone knows Mr. Assange has damaged lungs (see UN report by Nils Melzer) and will almost certainly die if he catches this virus, yet instead of taking measures to protect him it appears you are deliberately placing him at greater risk of catching the virus. If he dies I believe your lack of appropriate actions will make you legally responsible for his death.

Jeffrey D. Sachs (2020-11-29). Supreme Court's Scientifically Illiterate Decision Will Cost Lives. commondreams.org Pope Francis: The common good takes precedence over simplistic appeals to "personal freedom" in protests against justified public health measures. | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files/styles/cd_special_coverage/public/views-article/thumbs/brooklyn-wedding-955px.jpg

Mehr News Agency (2020-11-29). Intelligence Min. find clues on perpetrators of terror attack. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 29 (MNA) — Iranian Intelligence Ministry found clues on perpetrators behind assassination of top Iranian nuclear scientist 'Mohsen Fakhrizadeh'.

WSWS (2020-11-28). New ultra-right Supreme Court majority invokes religion to block COVID-19 safety measures. wsws.org The Supreme Court struck down New York's measures to control the spread of COVID-19 by limiting indoor events, including religious services, heralding the power of the new five-justice, ultra-reactionary bloc.

_____ (2020-11-28). California Court Strikes Down Limits On Fighting Dirty Power Plants. popularresistance.org A state appeals court affirmed Friday that communities concerned about air quality and climate pollution have the right to challenge natural gas-fired and thermal power plants in the lower courts, not just in the Supreme Court, which has historically refused to take up these challenges. | The decision marks a win after about seven years of litigation by the Center for Biological Diversity, Earthjustice and Communities for a Better Environment, who argued that jurisdictional laws effectively and unconstitutionally blocked Californians from challenging power plant permits issued by the California Energy Commission.