2020-11-26: News Headlines

John Pilger (2020-11-26). Britain's Class War on Children. zcomm.org Study after study shows that the people who suffer and die early from the diseases of poverty brought on by a poor diet, sub-standard housing and the priorities of the political elite and its hostile "welfare" officials — are working people…

Peoples Dispatch (2020-11-26). Major COVID-19 outbreak in Belmarsh prison, Assange's family raise alarm. peoplesdispatch.org According to Julian Assange's partner, Stella Moris, at least 56 inmates were found to be infected in the block where he is held. Assange, along with nearly 200 other inmates of his house block, had been under lockdown since November 18…

Editor (2020-11-26). [rewind] The California Genocide No One Talks About. scheerpost.com [Editors note: This edition of the Scheer Intelligence podcast was first broadcast in September, 2016. We are reposting here for Thanksgiving.] UCLA history professor Benjamin Madley's book An American Genocide: The United States and the California Catastrophe 1846-1873 details the killing of tens of thousands of Native Americans as the state was being settled in the 19th century. |

_____ (2020-11-26). Kissinger's Influence Over the U.S.-Backed Military Coup to Overthrow Socialism in Chile. strategic-culture.org New details are emerging of the Central Intelligence Agency's (CIA) involvement in Chile against Salvador Allende. "We have to do everything we can to hurt [Allende] and bring him down," U.S. Secretary of Defence Melvin Laird From the day of Allende's inauguration as president, U.S. President Richard Nixon and his National Security Adviser, Henry Kissinger, schemed with the CIA to overthrown Allende, who…

Tom Coburg (2020-11-26). Veteran anti-war activist warns that 'spycops' inquiry is unlikely to change anything. thecanary.co The Covert Human Intelligence Sources (CHIS) Bill Ironically, its passage also coincides with the

Jonathan Cook (2020-11-26). Pompeo Spells Out the New Normal: All Criticism of Israel is "antisemitic" dissidentvoice.org It is tempting to dismiss last week's statements by Mike Pompeo, the US secretary of state, equating anti-Zionism with antisemitism and suggesting the global movement to boycott Israel is driven by hatred of Jews, as the last gasp of a dying administration. But that would be foolhardy. Pompeo's decision to label all but the most tepid …

_____ (2020-11-25). CIA Partners With Google, Amazon And IBM. popularresistance.org AWS currently holds the sole contract to provide cloud computing services to a number of intelligence agencies, including the FBI and the NSA. That contract is set to expire in 2023 and this new award — managed by the CIA — will further weaken Amazon's once privileged position in the federal money sweepstakes, which had already taken a hard hit when Microsoft was unexpectedly chosen over Bezos' company for the Department of Defense's own cloud services contract for the Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure (JEDI) program.

Steve Watson (2020-11-25). UK Supreme Court Judge Slams 'Totalitarian' COVID 'Control Freaks' in Government. globalresearch.ca A British Supreme Court judge has slammed the UK government as 'control freaks' for attempting to control people's lives under the guise of COVID, and labeled it "morally and constitutionally indefensible" to define what freedoms the public should and shouldn't …

sputniknews (2020-11-25). Israeli Army Says Held Drills Near Border With Gaza Strip. sputniknews.com TEL AVIV (Sputnik) — The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said that they held a military exercise near the border with the Gaza Strip involving the Gaza Division, as well as units of the Air and Space Force, Navy, Cyber Defense and intelligence.

WSWS (2020-11-25). Assange's life in danger as major COVID-19 outbreak hits Belmarsh Prison. wsws.org Assange's partner Stella Moris has reported a mass outbreak in the house block where the WikiLeaks founder is imprisoned, with 56 prisoners and staff testing positive to the coronavirus.

Luis Martin (2020-11-25). Whistleblower Maria Efimova fears for her safety amid threats and new arrest warrants. zcomm.org DiEM25, the pan-European movement and MeRA25, Yanis Varoufakis' political party in Greece, are calling on the Greek government to grant Maria Efimova asylum and protection…

Evelyn Leopold (2020-11-24). Biden is Facing a Showdown on Iran Sanctions. counterpunch.org President Trump has called the Obama-initiated nuclear agreement for Iran a "horrible one-sided deal" and withdrew from it in 2018. Except he really didn't. This past summer, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo began a series of appeals to the UN Security Council, saying that the United States was still a member of the deal, based

Doctors for Assange (2020-11-24). Doctors for Assange Statement. Ongoing Torture and Neglect. globalresearch.ca Sunday 22nd November 2020 marked 12 months since doctors from around the world Since …

WSWS (2020-11-24). Florida Sheriff's Office intelligence-gathering program labels student youth as future criminals. wsws.org The police agency's strategies for tracking youth shed light on the extraordinary lengths the department has gone to carry out repressive measures against underaged Pasco residents.

WSWS (2020-11-24). US, Israel and Saudi Arabia meet amid mounting war threats against Iran. wsws.org The trip by Pompeo and Netanyahu to Saudi Arabia came as the Pentagon is steadily building up its air power in the region.

Abdel Bari Atwan (2020-11-24). Netanyahu in Saudi Arabia. thealtworld.com The Arab-Israeli normalisation fad will not last long. And the regimes involved will live to regret it. | With all the Israeli media confirming that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu flew to Saudi Arabia on Sunday for talks with Crown Prince Muhammad Bin-Salman and US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal Bin-Farhan's awkward denial that any such meeting took place was unconvincing in the extreme. | True, Netanyahu's office refused to confirm or deny the gathering held at the complex of royal palaces in north-eastern Saudi Arabia at the site of the planned 'mega-city' of Neom. It su…

Raul Diego (2020-11-23). CIA's New Big Tech Procurement Drive Brings War Economy Back to its Roots. mintpressnews.com The military industrial complex is returning to its roots as the CIA turns to big tech to maintain control and rebuild the war economy.

MEE staff (2020-11-23). Israel's Netanyahu made secret trip to Saudi Arabia to meet crown prince, say reports. middleeasteye.net Israel's Netanyahu made secret trip to Saudi Arabia to meet crown prince, say reports | Saudi foreign minister denies meeting or any visit by Israeli officials, despite anonymous confirmations to US media | Mon, 11/23/2020 – 07: 37 | US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, L, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu arrive to make a joint statement after meeting in Jerusalem on 19 November 2020 (AFP) | Israeli…

Global Research News (2020-11-23). Selected Articles: Unspeakable Memories: The Day John Kennedy Died. globalresearch.ca By Unless one is a government disinformation agent or is unaware of the enormous documentary evidence, one knows that it was the CIA that carried out JFK's …

commondreams (2020-11-23). To Protect Wild Steelhead, Salmon, Orcas, Environmental Groups Appeal Approval of Puget Sound Commercial Net Pen Aquaculture To Washington's Supreme Court. commondreams.org ______________________________…

Staff (2020-11-23). Reports of Meeting Between Netanyahu, Pompeo, bin Salman Spark Fear of Iran War. truthout.org The alarming possibility of a military attack on Iran — a nation that has long been in the sights of war hawks in the United States, Saudi Arabia, and Israel — was immediately invoked by foreign policy analysts Monday following

Mehr News Agency (2020-11-23). Aramco rocket attack coincides secret talks in S. Arabia. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 23 (MNA) — Saudi Arabia was surprised when Jedda's ARAMCO distribution facilities were hit by rockets of Houthis on Monday morning a while after Pompeo, Netanyahu, and MBS were holding secret talks in the country.

Mitchell Plitnick (2020-11-23). Pompeo's Attack on BDS Is an Assault on Free Speech. globalresearch.ca Secretary of State Mike Pompeo broke a long-standing taboo and became the first American secretary of state to visit an Israeli settlement. Then, Pompeo announced that the United States would recognize products made in West Bank settlements as "made in …

Mehr News Agency (2020-11-23). Pompeo says US restricted Iran's access to oil revenues. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 23 (MNA) — The US Secretary of State claimed that US sanctions have prevented Iran from directly accessing 70 billion dollars in oil revenues.