2020-11-22: News Headlines

The Canary (2020-11-22). Parties unite to call for Pat Finucane killing public inquiry. thecanary.co Four political parties in the north of Ireland have united to call for a public inquiry into the murder of Belfast solicitor Pat Finucane. | Mr Finucane, 39, was murdered by loyalist terrorists in front of his family in 1989 amid claims of collusion with state security forces. | In February last year, the Supreme Court ruled that investigations into the fatal shooting of the solicitor have not been effective and fell short of international human rights standards. | BREAKING: Letter from the four parties to Brandon Lewis calling on the British Government to hold a public inquiry into the killing of human rights l…

MEE staff (2020-11-22). Imprisoned spy Jonathan Pollard flying to Israel after US parole ends. middleeasteye.net Imprisoned spy Jonathan Pollard flying to Israel after US parole ends | Cold War spy passed on information about American intelligence agencies to Israel | Sun, 11/22/2020 – 09: 30 | Jonathan Pollard spent 30 years in prison for spying for Israel (AFP) | The spy Jonathan Pollard, who was jailed for spying against the United States in the 1980s, has been cleared to fly to Israel, where he will be welcomed by th…

Carl Gibson (2020-11-22). Sixteen Mind-Blowing Facts About Who Really Killed John F. Kennedy. globalresearch.ca Commemoration of the Assassination of JKF on November 22, 1963 | Government documents declassified after the passage of the JFK Records Act in 1992 prove that the official narrative is bull***t. There is overwhelming evidence implicating the CIA and other United …

_____ (2020-11-22). The American Herald Tribune Arises From The Ashes. popularresistance.org The American Herald Tribune (AHT) is back. We escaped the treacherous wrath of notorious thought police agencies including the US Department of Justice, the FBI, the CIA as well as a few of their media front operations including CNN, the Washington Post, and Bloomberg News. With a slip and a slide and a pirouette or two we danced out of the clutches of the US Dark State and re-emerged at .ca, ahtribune.ca. | There are many very strange and menacing things going on with the Justin Trudeau government in my home country.

sputniknews (2020-11-21). Senior Taliban Members Meet With US State Secretary in Doha, Spokesman Said. sputniknews.com KABUL (Sputnik) – Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, the chief of the Taliban political office, and Shaykh Mawlawi Abdulhakeem, the head of the movement's team that negotiates with the Afghan government, met with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in Doha on Saturday, a group spokesman, Mohammad Naeem, said.

Susan Jaffe (2020-11-21). [World Report] US Supreme Court poised to keep the Affordable Care Act. thelancet.com A lawsuit to overturn the Affordable Care Act may be floundering after Supreme Court justices questioned why the law should be dismantled. Susan Jaffe reports from Washington, DC.

_____ (2020-11-20). Jewish-Led Groups Condemn Pompeo For Declaring Boycott-Divestment Movement Anti-Semitic. popularresistance.org Jewish peace activists led a wave of stinging rebuke of U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Thursday after he declared the peaceful Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement for Palestinian human rights "anti-Semitic" while visiting an illegal Israeli settler colony built on stolen West Bank land. | Pompeo became the first top U.S. diplomat to visit an Israeli settlement in the unlawfully occupied West Bank of Palestine as he lunched at a winery in Psagot, located on a hill formerly known as Jabel Tawil until Israeli forces conquered it in 1967.

WSWS (2020-11-20). Palestinian Authority restores "cooperation" with Israel as Pompeo visits West Bank. wsws.org The US Secretary of State became the first top US official to visit an illegal settlement in the occupied West Bank, while also touring the occupied Golan Heights.

WSWS (2020-11-20). Pompeo escalates Iran war threats in trip to Israel. wsws.org The US Secretary of State arrived in the wake of Israeli air strikes against Iranian forces in Syria, and announced yet another round of sanctions against Tehran.

Brett Wilkins, staff writer (2020-11-19). "Proudly Pro-BDS": Jewish-Led Groups Condemn Pompeo for Declaring Boycott-Divestment Movement Anti-Semitic. commondreams.org "Our response to the false designation will be to… challenge Israeli policies of occupation and apartheid and galvanize public opinion for freedom and justice in Palestine," vowed CodePink's Medea Benjamin. | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files/styles/cd_special_coverage/public/headline/thumbs/pomp_0.jpg

Hajira Asghar (2020-11-19). Palestinians, Iran in the crosshairs as Pompeo makes farewell visit to Israel. liberationnews.org Pompeo used the occasion to deepen two of the most odious features of U.S. foreign policy: support for the colonial occupation of Palestinian land, and warmongering against Iran.

Tim Pelzer (2020-11-19). Confession from the profession: 'Presstitutes' in the service of the CIA. peoplesworld.org It is well documented that the CIA uses the media to spread disinformation. After 1945, the agency, in what is known as "Operation Mockingbird," recruited journalists in major U.S. media to promote its Cold War anti-Communist perspective. According to former CIA agent turned whistleblower Philip Agee, the agency had journalists on its payroll across Latin …

MEE and agencies (2020-11-19). BDS: US to label Israel boycott movement as 'antisemitic'. middleeasteye.net BDS: US to label Israel boycott movement as 'antisemitic' | Secretary of State Mike Pompeo also announces that settlement products will be labelled 'made in Israel' | Thu, 11/19/2020 – 08: 38 | Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and his wife Susan are seen past American and Israeli flags as they step off a plane at Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv (AFP) | The United States will label the Boycott…

commondreams (2020-11-19). Pompeo Tramples on International Law, Free Speech, and Human Rights With His Support for Settlements and Attack on BDS. commondreams.org ______________________________…

sputniknews (2020-11-19). China Warns Intel Alliance 'Their Eyes Will Be Plucked Out' if Not Careful With Hong Kong Affairs. sputniknews.com The Five Eyes alliance, established after World War II, involves the US, UK, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand. It's main objective is the sharing of intelligence information between parties.

Peoples Dispatch (2020-11-19). Palestinians oppose Pompeo's visit to illegal Israeli settlement in the occupied West Bank. peoplesdispatch.org Mike Pompeo became the first top US diplomat to visit an illegal Israeli settlement. He also said that the US government had historically been wrong about settlements and it could be done in a lawful manner…

Peoples Dispatch (2020-11-19). Peaceful movement will prevail, says BDS in response to Pompeo calling it anti-Semitic. peoplesdispatch.org In a press conference with Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu, US secretary of state Mike Pompeo said the government would label the BDS movement as anti-Semitic and withdraw funds to organizations which are part of it…

Lucas Leiroz de Almeida (2020-11-18). Cyber-Espionage: US Security Agency Accused of Spying on European Private Companies. globalresearch.ca A new cyber espionage scandal involving American intelligence agencies is being revealed — this time in Europe. Government's ministries and Danish private companies were targets of US espionage, according to a recent report by an anonymous informer. The US National …

Lucas Leiroz de Almeida (2020-11-18). US Security Agency Accused of Spying on European Private Companies. globalresearch.ca A new cyber espionage scandal involving American intelligence agencies is being revealed — this time in Europe. Government's ministries and Danish private companies were targets of US espionage, according to a recent report by an anonymous informer. The US National …

Andrew Corbley (2020-11-18). Trump's New Pentagon — Divisive Duo Will Frustrate Doves and Hawks Alike. globalresearch.ca After last week's firing of various Pentagon officials including Sec. of Defense Mark Esper, the Undersecretaries of Intelligence and Policy, and Chief of Staff to the Sec of Defense, Democrats and Republicans, eager to get back to a status …