2020-08-29: News Headlines

Binoy Kampmark (2020-08-29). Waiting for the Old Bailey: Julian Assange and Britain's Judicial Establishment. dissidentvoice.org On September 7, Julian Assange will be facing another round of gruelling extradition proceedings, in the Old Bailey, part of a process that has become a form of gradual state-sanctioned torture. The US Department of Justice hungers for their man. The UK prison authorities are doing little to protect his health. The end result, should …

_____ (2020-08-29). Assange 'In A Lot Of Pain' Says Partner After Prison Visit. popularresistance.org Julian Assange's partner has visited him in prison for the first time in almost six months, and said he looked much thinner than last time she saw him. | Stella Moris took the couple's two young children to meet their father, who is being held in Belmarsh Prison in south-east London, awaiting an extradition hearing on behalf of the United States government. | Ms Moris and the WikiLeaks founder had to wear face masks and visors for the 20-minute meeting and were not allowed to touch each other. "We had to keep social distancing and Julian was told he would have to self-isolate for two weeks if he touched the child…

_____ (2020-08-29). Venezuela: Aggression In October? popularresistance.org A US-sponsored military aggression against Venezuela could take place before the November 3 elections in that country. On August 22, Admiral Remigio Ceballos, chief of the strategic operational command of the Bolivarian National Armed Force (FANB), said that "The international intelligence agencies allied to Venezuela inform us that Colombia is preparing an aggression, and the FANB will respond with force and forcefulness to any aggression against the sovereignty and independence of Venezuela, under the command of our Commander in Chief Nicolas Maduro Moros". Coinciding with this, they met in Bogotá with Presiden…

Caitlin Johnstone (2020-08-29). Dem Convention Made No Mention Of Russiagate Or Impeachment, Because Those Were Fake Things. thealtworld.com Despite their dominating mainstream news cycles for years on end, at no time during the four-day Democratic National Convention was the word "impeachment" ever uttered, nor was any mention made of the Mueller investigation into allegations of collusion between Trump and the Russian government. | Politico Eight months after Democrats mounted a historic effort to remove Donald Trump from office, not a single speaker uttered the word "impeachment" during thei…

WSWS (2020-08-28). Julian Assange receives first visitors in six months: "He is in a lot of pain" wsws.org The visit has underscored the brutal conditions in which Assange is imprisoned and has sparked renewed fears that his health is continuing to deteriorate.

Peoples Dispatch (2020-08-28). Reporters Without Borders petition against Assange's extradition, raise concern over his health. peoplesdispatch.org Reporters Without Borders has called on the British government to respect press freedom and human rights in Assange's trial and not comply with the US extradition request…

CounterSpin (2020-08-28). Phyllis Bennis on Foreign Policy Visions. fair.org Media…

_____ (2020-08-28). Scheer Intelligence: The Revolt Of The Black Athlete. popularresistance.org Howard Bryant is a senior writer for ESPN.com and appears regularly on the sports network and NPR. His most recent book "The Heritage: Black Athletes, A Divided America, and the Politics of Patriotism" is about the responsibility often placed upon professional black athletes from Jackie Robinson to LeBron James to be role models for social justice. In their conversation, Bryant tells host Robert Scheer that black athletes often come up against the conflict between their corporate sponsors and their desire for social justice and action.

WSWS (2020-08-28). New Zealand: Christchurch terrorist jailed for life. wsws.org There are many unanswered questions about how fascist gunman Brenton Tarrant was able to carry out his attack without being stopped by the police or intelligence agencies.

Robert Fantina (2020-08-28). Will Trump Pardon Edward Snowden? globalresearch.ca The name 'Edward Snowden' represents different things to different people. For those interested in government transparency and the rule of law, he is a hero, a man who initially tried to go through the 'proper' channels to publicize …

WSWS (2020-08-27). Free Julian Assange! Defend Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden! wsws.org The SEP's recent National Congress committed to "intensifying the fight for the unconditional freedom of WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange" and the defence of all persecuted journalists and whistleblowers.

Gareth Porter (2020-08-27). After Beirut Blast, Israel Revives Tales of Hezbollah Ammonium Nitrate Terror Plots. globalresearch.ca Israeli intelligence is polishing off a dubious propaganda campaign to suggest Hezbollah was to blame for the recent catastrophe in Beirut. But the factual record either contradicts Israeli claims or reveals a complete dearth of evidence. | *** | Israeli officials have …

Tony Cartalucci (2020-08-27). Spies or Journalists? Western Media Deliberately Covers Up US Meddling in Thailand. globalresearch.ca The Western media functions more as lobbyists or even foreign intelligence agencies rather than real journalists by deliberately omitting facts, fabricating others, and all to ensure maximum momentum of what is verified US political interference in a foreign country. | ***…

Scott Ritter (2020-08-27). US Is Willing to Dismantle the UN Security Council to Put Pressure on Iran. globalresearch.ca In a world where American exceptionalism and unilateralism has become common currency, the brazenness of Secretary of State Pompeo's bid to impose "snap back" inspections of Iran takes the cake. Moreover, it's doomed to fail. | When it comes to …

yenisafak (2020-08-27). Putin says alleged mercenaries were lured to Belarus by foreign spy operation. yenisafak.com President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday that a group of Russians who were detained in Belarus prior to its Aug. 9 election and accused of being mercenaries had been lured to Belarus by a Ukrainan-U.S. intelligence operation.Belarus had accused the men of seeking to destabilise the country ahead of its election, marking an unusual diplomatic row with close ally Russia. At the time, Russia had said the men were private security workers on their way to a third country."These people, I repeat, were travelling for work to a third country. They were lured there, dragged across the border… It was an operation of Ukr…

yenisafak (2020-08-27). US' Pompeo pays surprise visit to Oman. yenisafak.com US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo arrived in Oman Thursday for an unannounced stopover."Arrived in Oman and will meet with Omani Sultan Haitham bin Tarik Al Said," Pompeo wrote on his Twitter account.Before Oman, Pompeo paid a visit Israel, Sudan, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) during his Mideast tour."I look forward to discussing efforts to build unity among the Gulf Cooperation Council and build on the momentum to advance regional peace and prosperity," Pompeo added.Although his visit was not announced by the State Department, some media reports revealed that Pompeo is visiting two countries within…

Caitlin Johnstone (2020-08-26). Reminder: The US Empire Tortures Journalists And Whistleblowers. thealtworld.com Julian Assange's partner Stella Moris was able to visit him with their children at Belmarsh prison for the first time since March of this year, and reports that his physical condition has deteriorated noticeably since that time. | "He was wearing a yellow armband to indicate his level of prisoner status, and you could see how thin his arms were," Moris "Moris said her partner is still suffering from a frozen shoulder, and had recently sprained h…

Melvin Goodman (2020-08-26). The USA: Global Leader in Election Interference Abroad and Now at Home. counterpunch.org Putin's impact on the election is modest compared to the damage that Trump and Republican legislators throughout the country can inflict. Voter suppression remains a huge problem, particularly in the wake of the Supreme Court decision in 2013 to weaken the Voting Rights Act. The campaign against mail-in voting is creating uncertainty and cynicism throughout the country as is Trump's constant ravings about vote by mail causing a fraudulent election.

Stephen Lendman (2020-08-26). Did Pompeo Breach the Hatch Act and State Department Regulations? globalresearch.ca On Tuesday, Pompeo addressed the Republican National Convention from Jerusalem, his remarks prerecorded. See below on what he said. | *** | Was his unprecedented act by a US secretary of state unlawful? | According to the 1939 Hatch Act, US executive branch …

Julia Conley, staff writer (2020-08-26). Amid Pandemic, Trump Petitions Supreme Court to Make Potential Covid-19 Exposure 'the Price of Abortion Care'. commondreams.org Potentially exposing patients to Covid-19 risks in the interest of violating the constitutional right to seek an abortion, President Donald Trump on Wednesday petitioned the U.S. Supreme Court to reinstate a rule requiring patients to see a doctor in person before obtaining a medication used to provide abortion care. | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files/styles/cd_special_coverage/public/headline/thumbs/web20-mifepristone-wordpress-1110×740-1-1000×666.jpg

commondreams (2020-08-26). ACLU Comment on Trump Administration Petition To Supreme Court for Permission To Force Unnecessary Travel for Abortion Care During Pandemic. commondreams.org ______________________________…

WSWS (2020-08-26). Who are the Republican spymasters and war criminals who have endorsed Biden? wsws.org Republican former security officials, virtually all of whom were involved in war crimes and domestic spying, have announced that they will be voting for the Democratic presidential nominee.

Binoy Kampmark (2020-08-26). Hymn for a Broken Empire: Republican National Security Officials for Biden. dissidentvoice.org If fodder is needed for the argument that a Deep State is running wild and determined to depose President Donald J. Trump, this will surely help. In a statement by self-titled "former Republican National Security Officials", a hand-on-heart allegiance is made to Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden. The authors are intent on moving the incumbent …

Patrick Martin (2020-08-26). The CIA Democrats in the 2020 Elections. More Military-Intelligence and FBI Candidates. globalresearch.ca In the course of the 2018 elections, a large group of former military-intelligence operatives entered capitalist politics as candidates seeking the Democratic Party nomination in 50 congressional seats—nearly half the seats where the Democrats were targeting Republican incumbents or open …

WSWS (2020-08-26). Pompeo in Middle East to cement Israel-Gulf alliance against Iran. wsws.org Pompeo made it very clear who was the master in this relationship and that China's increasing trade and investment ties with Israel were unacceptable.

Shane Quinn (2020-08-26). Beijing's Decades-long Policies in Xinjiang, CIA Interference, Funding of Separatist and Terrorist Groups. globalresearch.ca Central to China's rise as a global power are the attempts to increase its influence over Xinjiang, the country's biggest and most mineral rich region. Xinjiang has been part of Chinese territory since the mid-18th century, longer than the existence …

_____ (2020-08-26). Trump and Pompeo Craft No-Win Solutions for the World. strategic-culture.org You have to hand it to the sociopaths running U.S. foreign policy, they are very adept at creating no-win scenarios for their opponents. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was just handed a major defeat at the United Nations Security Council, who voted down a resolution to extend the arms embargo against Iran. | That embargo is set to expire in October as part of the U.S. unilaterally pulling out of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), known colloquially as the Iran Nuclear Deal. | But Pompeo and President Trump only wanted that vote, in my opinion, to force out into the open their ability to impose the 's…

sputniknews (2020-08-26). Key Takeaways from Day 2 of Republican National Convention. sputniknews.com A slew of issues pertaining to the economy, foreign policy and social matters were addressed by a broad lineup of speakers on the second night of the Republican National Convention, that included appearances by First Lady Melania Trump and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

Staff (2020-08-26). Pompeo's RNC Speech Violated His Own Ethics Guidelines for the State Department. truthout.org Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is facing the possibility of an investigation into his use of department resources for a political speech at the Republican National Convention (RNC) on Tuesday night. | Pompeo,

yenisafak (2020-08-26). Pompeo in UAE says hopeful to build on UAE-Israel accord momentum. yenisafak.com U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo made a short visit to the United Arab Emirates on Wednesday as part of a Middle East tour following a U.S.-brokered deal on normalising relations between Israel and the UAE announced on Aug. 13."Excited to arrive in the United Arab Emirates and congratulate the Emirati people on the historic Abraham Accords— the most significant step toward peace in the Middle East in over 25 years. Hopeful we will‚ÄØ build on this momentum towards regional peace," Pompeo said on Twitter, referring to the UAE-Israel agreement aimed at normalising relations.Pompeo visited…

yenisafak (2020-08-26). Pompeo, Emirati officials discuss ceasefire in Libya and Gulf unity. yenisafak.com U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Emirati officials discussed on Wednesday regional and bilateral issues, including a lasting ceasefire in Libya, Gulf unity and Iran's "malign influence" in the region, a statement from a spokesperson of U.S. State Department said.Pompeo met the United Arab Emirates' Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed, and National Security Advisor Sheikh Tahnoun bin Zayed in Abu Dhabi, spokesperson Morgan Ortagus said in a statement.