2020-04-18: News Headlines

WSWS (2020-04-18). Intensive CIA spying on Assange targeted his infant child. wsws.org As the US government finalised its bogus charges against Assange, it oversaw dirty tricks operations targeting his partner and their infant child.

Staff (2020-04-18). Attorney General Barr Refuses to Release 9/11 Documents to Victims' Families. truthout.org In a series of filings just before a midnight court deadline on Monday, the attorney general, William Barr; the acting director of national intelligence, Richard Grenell; and other senior officials insisted to a federal judge in the civil case that further disclosures about Saudi connections to the 9/11 plot would imperil national security. | But the administration insisted in court filings that even its justification for that secrecy needed to remain secret. Four statements to the court by FB…

Derek Royden (2020-04-17). Julian Assange's fateful anniversary. nationofchange.org On top of Assange's individual case, the current health crisis is expanding the surveillance state in ways likely not dreamed of by authorities in most countries until this very moment.

Staff (2020-04-17). Stir Crazy! Episode #16: The Ineptitude of Power. therealnews.com Episode #16 of Stir Crazy, on The Real News Network. Political consultant Marcus Ferrell talks with TRNN Climate Reporter Steve Horn and Executive Producer Lisa Snowden-McCray about how Big Pharma and others are taking advantage of COVID-19. Hosted by TRNN reporter Kim Brown.

RT (2020-04-17). Business as usual? Pompeo claims countries will 'rethink' Huawei partnerships after Covid-19. rt.com US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has predicted "many, many countries" will reconsider telecom partnerships with China's Huawei after Covid-19, using Beijing's supposed lack of "transparency" to take a whack at a favorite target. | Pompeo was "very confident" that the Chinese response to coronavirus would "cause many, many countries [to] rethink what they were doing with respect to their telecom architecture," he told Fox Business Network on Friday. | "And when Huawei comes knocking to sell them equipment and hardware, they will have a different prism through which to view that decision," he continued. | Also…

Alan MacLeod (2020-04-17). Exactly 18 Years After US Coup Against Venezuela, Pompeo and Abrams Warn Another Is Coming. globalresearch.ca On the eighteenth anniversary of the U.S.-backed coup against the government of Venezuela, senior American officials announced that the people should prepare for another imminent push. "The goal is to replace [President Nicolas] Maduro's illegitimate dictatorship with a legitimate …

Yves Engler (2020-04-17). Intelligence Agencies Fail to Protect us from Pandemic. dissidentvoice.org With millions forced out of work and many more stuck at home, Canadians need to ask tough questions of organizations receiving billions of dollars to protect them from foreign threats. The country's intelligence/security sector has done little to respond to the ongoing social and economic calamity. Even worse, their thinking and practices are an obstacle …

Zero Hedge (2020-04-16). "Major Blow To US": Large Group Of US-Backed Fighters 'Defect' To Assad Forces. iranian.com The brutal proxy war in Syria, which has had the deep involvement of American intelligence and the Pentagon, has been wrapping up after grinding on for nine years. With the coronavirus pandemic now completely taking over the news cycle, and as Washington struggles to contain both the virus and devastating economic fallout, Syria has taken a …

Staff (2020-04-15). The FBI Is Still Hunting For Ways To Call US Activists Terrorists. therealnews.com The FBI wants you to believe they stopped spying on anti-imperialist, anti-capitalist activists. They haven't.

graham (2020-04-15). 21 million Chinese dead due to COVID-19 story is FAKE NEWS. truepublica.org.uk Did new US intelligence data reveal that 21 million people died in China from December 2019 to March 2020 due to the novel coronavirus? No, that's not true: An online article being shared uses a statistic about a drop in cellphone users to make a faulty supposition that this figure reflects COVID-19 deaths in China. …

Shawgi Tell (2020-04-15). Florida Supreme Court Ruling Anti-Public Education And Pro-Charter Schools. dissidentvoice.org Advocates of privately-operated non-profit and for-profit charter schools have never stopped working to funnel as much public money as possible from public schools into their own private pockets, even if this means undermining the education and future of students attending those public schools. This massive transfer of public funds from public schools to charter schools …

Staff (2020-04-14). Stir Crazy! Episode #13: What Hath Corporate Media Wrought! therealnews.com Episode #13 of Stir Crazy, on The Real News Network. On today's show: What Hath Corporate Media Wrought! We're happy to have special guest Baltimore based journalist Brandon Soderberg. Also on the show: Eddie Conway, Leandro Lagera, and Lisa Snowden-McCray. Hosted by Kim Brown…

Ruth Conniff (2020-04-14). Democracy Wins in Wisconsin. progressive.org Republicans fail in their effort to win Supreme Court seat by putting lives at risk.

Abbasi J. (2020-04-14). Skin Cancer Detection Apps Unreliable. jamanetwork.com Smartphone apps that use artificial intelligence to assess skin cancer risk based on images of suspicious moles aren't ready for prime time, a recent systematic review in the BMJ suggests. The 9 studies included in the review "showed variable and unreliable test accuracy" for 6 such apps, 2 of which are approved by European regulators as medical devices.

Whitney Webb (2020-04-11). Meet The Companies Poised To Build The Kushner-Backed "Coronavirus Surveillance System" thelastamericanvagabond.com The three companies behind the leading proposal to build a "national coronavirus surveillance system", an initiative spearheaded by Jared Kushner, boast deep ties to Google, intelligence-linked venture capital firms as well as one of last year's eerily predictive "pandemic" simulations. On April 7, Politico reported that the President's son-in-law Jared Kushner was spearheading an all-private …

Jason Ditz (2020-02-17). DOJ Investigating Former CIA Director's Role in Russiagate. theantimedia.com The Justice Department is investigating the role of John Brennan in the assessment that Russia interfered in the 2016 election.