2020-04-17: News Headlines

RT (2020-04-17). Israeli TV says US intel warned IDF & NATO of coronavirus threat in NOVEMBER 2019, doubling down on claims dismissed by… US intel. rt.com American intelligence passed an early warning about the coronavirus to Tel Aviv and NATO as far back as November, Israel's Channel 12 claims, even after a top US medical intel officer dismissed a similar report just last week. | The broadcaster aired a story on Thursday alleging that the US intelligence community shared classified information about a new viral outbreak in China with the Israeli military and senior NATO officials. With nobody willing to go on record to confirm the report, however, the story is based on murky anonymous sourcing, leaving it a mystery where the claim originated. | "Still in Novemb…

sputniknews (2020-04-17). Why Trump Scapegoats China. sputniknews.com President Trump this week said no-one believes China's official figures on Covid-19 casualties. Along with his Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Trump accused Beijing of a cover-up on the scale of the disease.

teleSUR (2020-04-16). Brazil: Bolsonaro Fails to Manage COVID-19 Crisis. telesurenglish.net The Federal Supreme Court (STF) on Thursday validated the autonomy of State and Municipal governments in making decisions to contain the new coronavirus pandemic. | RELATED: | The STF's decision acknowledges that President Jair Bolsonaro has been unable to take the necessary measures to contain COVID-19 in the country, which has been hit hardest by the pandemic in Latin America. | "The STF's verdict is a defeat for…

Zero Hedge (2020-04-16). "Major Blow To US": Large Group Of US-Backed Fighters 'Defect' To Assad Forces. iranian.com The brutal proxy war in Syria, which has had the deep involvement of American intelligence and the Pentagon, has been wrapping up after grinding on for nine years. With the coronavirus pandemic now completely taking over the news cycle, and as Washington struggles to contain both the virus and devastating economic fallout, Syria has taken a …

graham (2020-04-15). 21 million Chinese dead due to COVID-19 story is FAKE NEWS. truepublica.org.uk Did new US intelligence data reveal that 21 million people died in China from December 2019 to March 2020 due to the novel coronavirus? No, that's not true: An online article being shared uses a statistic about a drop in cellphone users to make a faulty supposition that this figure reflects COVID-19 deaths in China. …

Shawgi Tell (2020-04-15). Florida Supreme Court Ruling Anti-Public Education And Pro-Charter Schools. dissidentvoice.org Advocates of privately-operated non-profit and for-profit charter schools have never stopped working to funnel as much public money as possible from public schools into their own private pockets, even if this means undermining the education and future of students attending those public schools. This massive transfer of public funds from public schools to charter schools …

Abbasi J. (2020-04-14). Skin Cancer Detection Apps Unreliable. jamanetwork.com Smartphone apps that use artificial intelligence to assess skin cancer risk based on images of suspicious moles aren't ready for prime time, a recent systematic review in the BMJ suggests. The 9 studies included in the review "showed variable and unreliable test accuracy" for 6 such apps, 2 of which are approved by European regulators as medical devices.

Alan Macleod (2020-04-13). Exactly 18 Years After US Coup Against Venezuela, Pompeo and Abrams Warn Another is Coming. mintpressnews.com US regime change cheerleaders Mike Pompeo and Elliot Abrams warned Venezuala's government not to resist the upcoming implementation of a "transitional government."

Jason Ditz (2020-02-17). DOJ Investigating Former CIA Director's Role in Russiagate. theantimedia.com The Justice Department is investigating the role of John Brennan in the assessment that Russia interfered in the 2016 election.