Daily Archives: September 20, 2019

2019-09-20: News Headlines

RT (2019-09-20). US media LAUGHING STOCK of the world: Trump accuses 'fake news' of gutting their credibility. rt.com US President Donald Trump called the US media the "laughing stock of the world" and a "joke" over reports of a spy whistleblower alarmed by his conversations with a foreign leader, which he dismissed as "a political hack job." | Speaking at the Oval Office on Friday, after a meeting with Australian PM Scott Morrison, Trump said he did not know who the alleged whistleblower was, calling the story "ridiculous" and yet another attempt by the "fake news" to make him look bad. | Things get TENSE between President Trump and media… | "Our media has become the laughingstock of the world. When you look at what they d…

Jimmysllama (2019-09-20). Through the Eyes of Jesselyn Radack: A Look at the Vital Role of Whistleblowers and Their Attorneys. mintpressnews.com "By protecting whistleblowers, sources, and online activists, we facilitate robust investigative journalism, hold government to account, protect the freedoms of speech, privacy and the press, and foster the most critical component of democratic society: an informed citizenry." — Whistleblower and Source Protection Program…

WSWS (2019-09-20). Attend September 28 demonstration at London's Belmarsh prison to demand freedom for Julian Assange! wsws.org The rally has been called by the Julian Assange Defence Committee (JADC) to demand Assange's freedom from the high-security jail in London.

WSWS (2019-09-20). Julian Assange: The great unmentionable as Australian leader wines and dines with Trump. wsws.org Were Assange imprisoned by the Chinese, Russian or Iranian regimes, the response of the Australian government would doubtless be very different.

John Nichols (2019-09-20). Edward Snowden Is a 2020 Election Issue. thenation.com Edward Snowden Is a 2020 Election Issue…

Martha Grevatt (2019-09-20). Supreme Court decision hits migrants. workers.org Again and again, the federal government continues to deny im/migrants the most elementary human rights. On Sept. 11, seven of the nine unelected, appointed-for-life "justices" on the U.S. Supreme Court again sided with the Trump administration against asylum seekers. This seven included Elena Kagan and Stephen Breyer, two of the . . . | Continue reading Supreme Court decision hits migrants at Workers.org

Liliana Segura (2019-09-20). Georgia Supreme Court Urges State to Stop Stonewalling In Devonia Inman Case: "Let Justice Be Done" theintercept.com Justice David Nahmias lamented the court's previous refusal to review Devonia Inman's case and expressed grave doubts about Inman's underlying guilt.

ACLU (2019-09-20). The Supreme Court Considers Mandatory Government Funding of Religious Education. aclu.org A case out of Montana could result in the church-state separation being stripped to the bone. | In Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue, the Supreme Court will address a question that would have been unthinkable to ask even until quite recently: Can a state be forced to underwrite religious education with taxpayer dollars? Although the court has previously allowed the government to adopt school-voucher programs that provide indirect government aid to religious schools, it has never suggested that the U.S. Cons…

Jeffrey St. Clair (2019-09-20). Roaming Charges: Pompeo and Circumstance. counterpunch.org + The Saudis want to "fight the Iranians to the last American." — Secretary of Defense Bob Gates, February 2010 + Who needs John Bolton, when you've got Pompeo Maximus declaring the attack on the Abqaiq refineries in Saudi Arabia: "An act of war." + By Pompeo's logic, the death of every Yemeni kid from cholera More

Staff (2019-09-20). Headlines for September 20, 2019. democracynow.org Students Across the World Walk Out of Classes in Global Climate Strike, Two Die in Texas as Storm Dumps 40 Inches of Rain on Houston Area, Red Cross: 2 Million Need Humanitarian Aid Every Week Due to Climate Crisis, Bird Population in U.S. & Canada Dropped by Nearly 3 Billion Since 1970, Benny Gantz Declares Victory, Rejects Overture from Netanyahu, Trudeau Apologizes Again as New Blackface Photos Emerge, Funeral Held in Afghanistan After U.S. Drone Strike Killed 30 Civilians, Mostly Farmers, Kashmiris Sue Modi in U.S. Court as Trump Prepares to Appear with Indian PM at Texas Rally, Report: Whistleblower Complain…

RT (2019-09-19). Russiagate's last stand? #Resistance works itself up over whistleblower complaint on Trump's alleged 'favor to foreign leader'. rt.com Just when you thought the Russiagate horse was well and truly dead, count on House Intelligence chair Adam Schiff to whip it back into life with another saucy tale of collusion, conspiracy and cover-up. | President Donald Trump's alleged "collusion" with Russia to swing the 2016 election has largely been absent from the news of late. After the Mueller Report cleared the president of wrongdoing, and after the damp squib that was Special Counsel Mueller's testimony before Congress in July, the story finally exited the news cycle. | Here comes Congressman Schiff (D-California), determined to breathe new life into…

Aaron Maté (2019-09-19). UK worsens Julian Assange's persecution as US seeks extradition. thegrayzone.com Kristinn Hrafnsson, editor-in-chief of Wikileaks, says that UK authorities are holding Julian Assange in worse conditions than accused terrorists and…

The Canary (2019-09-19). France rejects Edward Snowden's latest request for asylum. thecanary.co France's foreign minister has said "it's not the time" to grant a new asylum request from former US National Security Agency contractor and whistleblower Edward Snowden. | Snowden gained asylum in Russia after Barack Obama's adminstration revoked his passport — rendering him stateless — while he was travelling to Latin America in 2013. The revocation left him stranded in Moscow's Sheremetyevo Airport. Snowden was en route to seek asylum after leaking classified documents detailing government mass surveillance programmes. | Asking France again for asylum this week, he argued that "protecting whistleblowe…

D.D. Guttenplan (2019-09-19). Edward Snowden Speaks. thenation.com Edward Snowden Speaks…

Mac Slavo (2019-09-19). "Killer Robots" Could Commit "Atrocities" Says Former Google Engineer. globalresearch.ca Laura Nolan, a former Google software engineer who left the company in protest of Project Maven, Google's since-abandoned artificial intelligence development program for military drones, says killer robots could commit atrocities. If governments turn control of their weapons …

Andrew Korybko (2019-09-19). The Ansarullah's Aramco Drone Strike versus "The Real Act of War" against Yemen. globalresearch.ca Pompeo's provocative pronouncement that the Ansarullah's drone strike on Aramco's oil facilities was an "act of war" is extremely hypocritical because it ignores the fact that the Saudis were the ones to initiate the international dimension of the War on …

Jason Ditz (2019-09-19). Mike Pompeo Declares Drone Attack on Saudi Arabia an "Act of War" theantimedia.com Mike Pompeo is declaring what happened "an act of war," and is now looking to use that bellicosity cobble together a coalition against Iran.

WSWS (2019-09-19). Trump reviewing target lists as Iran war threat mounts. wsws.org US Secretary of State Pompeo described Saturday's attacks on Saudi oil installations as "an act of war," attributing them—still with no evidence—to Iran.

Timothy Alexander Guzman (2019-09-19). Who Needs John Bolton? Trump's Neocons Are Determined to Go to War Against Iran. globalresearch.ca Following John Bolton's departure from the White House, Saudi Arabia's oil facility was attacked by drones operated by the Houthi rebels of Yemen. Trump and his Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo once again claimed that it was the Iranians …

Staff (2019-09-19). Headlines for September 19, 2019. democracynow.org U.S. Secretary of State Blames Iran for "Act of War" Against Saudi Oil Facility, WaPo: Whistleblower Reported "Troubling" Promise from Trump to Foreign Leader, Trump Names Robert O'Brien as Fourth National Security Adviser, U.S.-Backed Forces Kill 30 Afghan Civilians; Taliban Truck Bomb Kills 20, Thousands Fall Ill as Indonesian Fires Spread Toxic Haze, Thousands Lose Power as Hurricane Humberto Lashes Bermuda, Youth Activist Greta Thunberg to U.S. Lawmakers: Listen to Climate Scientists, University of California to Divest from Fossil Fuel Companies, Israeli Election Challenger Gantz Rejects Call to Join Netanyah…

RT (2019-09-18). Big Brother is watching you (from afar): US spies seek long-range facial recognition capabilities. rt.com US intelligence agencies are looking to enhance their facial recognition capabilities with technology that can identify people from hundreds of meters away, potentially transforming drones into biometrically accurate spy cameras. | The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) wants any and all information that could help current biometric surveillance tech overcome the inaccuracy that comes with distance, according to a request for information posted by the In…

Media Lens (2019-09-18). Stockholm Syndrome: Julian Assange And The Limits Of Guardian Dissent. dissidentvoice.org Nothing happened on September 2 in central London. Roger Waters, co-founder of Pink Floyd, did not initiate a protest outside the Home Office. He did not sing and play the Floyd classic 'Wish You Were Here', or say: Julian Assange, we are with you. Free Julian Assange! The renowned journalist and film-maker John Pilger did …

Alexander Rubinstein (2019-09-17). Trump Brushes Israeli Dragnet Surveillance of D.C. Under the Rug. mintpressnews.com "Donald Trump has had a closer relationship with Israeli leaders than any president in American history. I think he genuinely doesn't care that the Israelis spy on the United States. I think he doesn't see the harm in this and does not feel threatened by it." — CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou…

RT (2019-09-17). US sues Snowden for violating 'CIA & NSA non-disclosure pact' with his new book, but it also wants the proceeds. rt.com The US government has filed a lawsuit against the National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden, alleging that his newly-published memoir 'Permanent Record' violates nondisclosure agreements he signed with the CIA and NSA. | The civil lawsuit, filed on Tuesday, claims that Snowden violated these agreements by not sending a draft of the book to the spy agencies for review — and presumably redaction — before publication. It also alleges that the whistleblower's public speeches on "intelligence-related matters" violated the agreements. | Rather than pull the book from the shelves, the government…

Alexander Rubinstein (2019-09-17). Trump Sweeps Israeli Dragnet Surveillance of Washington DC Under the Rug. theantimedia.com The culprit behind a massive spying scandal in the U.S. capital has been exposed.

Staff (2019-09-17). Headlines for September 17, 2019. democracynow.org Iran Rejects Talks with U.S. Following Disputed Drone Attacks in Saudi Arabia, Israelis Head to Polls to Decide Netanyahu's Fate, Afghanistan: Blast Near Presidential Rally Kills Dozens Amid Mounting Violence, Massive Blackout Hits Four Central American Nations, 2 Italian Officials Indicted over Migrant Deaths from 2013 Shipwreck, 2019 Was Northern Hemisphere's Hottest Summer on Record, Autoworkers Continue Strike with Support from Dems, Environmental Activists, Manhattan DA Subpoenas Trump Tax Returns, Acting Intelligence Dir. Refused to Turn Over Whistleblower Complaint That Could Involve Trump, House Dems Inve…

Staff (2019-09-16). Headlines for September 16, 2019. democracynow.org U.S. Threatens Military Action Against Iran After Oil Attacks in Saudi Arabia, United Auto Workers Strike to Demand Fair Wages, Healthcare & Job Security from GM, Purdue Pharma Files for Bankruptcy, Calls Mount to Impeach Justice Kavanaugh After NYT Report on Sexual Misconduct, Hong Kong Protesters Appeal to U.S., U.K. as Uprising Shows No Sign of Slowing Down, Outsiders Lead Tunisia's Presidential Exit Polls, Algeria Announces Elections Amid Ongoing Protests Against Ruling Elite, U.K. Judge Says Julian Assange a Flight Risk, Must Remain in Prison, Appeals Court Revives Emoluments Case Against Trump, Felicity Huf…

Fight Back (2019-09-16). Venezuela: Elements of opposition reach deal with Maduro government. fightbacknews.org Chicago, IL – On Monday September 16, the leaders of several opposition parties arrived at the Foreign Ministry in downtown Caracas to participate in the Roundtable of National Dialogue organized by the elected government of Nicolás Maduro. The Roundtable was established in the aftermath of the fascist violence in 2017, which was a response to the Supreme Court's decision to strip the National Assembly of its powers after its refusal to adhere to the country's constitution. | On the first day of the meeting, representatives from the government and the opposition parties announced six agreements that ha…

Aaron Maté (2019-09-15). Outing of CIA's Kremlin mole echoes Iraq WMD hoax. thegrayzone.com The outing of a CIA informant inside of the Kremlin raises new questions about the Russia investigation and the intelligence…

unitedEditor (2019-09-14). Trump and Mexico: a step toward restoring order on the border. uwidata.com On Wednesday, the US Supreme Court reaffirmed the president's right to limit asylum requests for migrants from Central and South America. Trump hailed the decision as a "big victory," while his opponents issued heavy criticism. According to the new ruling, migrants who cross over the United States' southern border will be required to prove that …

Aaron Maté (2019-09-06). Embassy insider exposes CNN lies about Julian Assange. thegrayzone.com A "bombshell" CNN report claimed to show how Wikileaks founder Julian Assange published stolen Democratic Party emails in 2016 in…

Brett Barrouquere (2019-09-04). Rift Exposed: A Desertion Robbed League of the South of Its Longtime Headquarters and Hints that a Member Chose His Real Estate Holdings over Southern Culture. splcenter.org League of the South (LOS), a neo-Confederate organization that advocates for Southern secession, has been roiled by a key defection that resulted in the group losing its headquarters in Wetumpka, Alabama, about 20 miles north of Montgomery.

Intelligence Report Staff (2019-09-03). Out of the Darkness: Conversion Therapist Quits 'Ex-Gay' Movement. splcenter.org According to Truth Wins Out, Matheson's fellow ex-gay leader Rich Wyler announced his exit in a post to a private Facebook group. TWO "goes undercover to expose 'ex-gay' conversion leaders as hypocritical frauds that have not actually changed their sexual orientation," its website states.

Intelligence Report Staff (2019-09-03). Spurned & Burned: Anti-Muslim Extremists Rebuff Prominent Chapter Leader. splcenter.org Images of the World Trade Center in flames exposed a schism between a notable hate group's activists and its aspirations, leading to a prominent member's resignation.

splcenter (2019-09-03). Identity Unmasked: Meet the Proprietors of the Internet's Largest Neo-Confederate Propaganda Machine. splcenter.org A small Facebook campaign predicated on keeping Confederate monuments in place has morphed into a group of more than 200 ardent, secretive separatists planning to make the South a separate nation.

Keegan Hankes, Intelligence Project (2019-09-03). The Last Word: When Dollars Matter 
More Than Decency. splcenter.org As America's technology and financial giants struggle, or refuse, to curb hate on their platforms, far-right extremists leverage them to build war chests that promote bigotry and violence.

splcenter (2019-09-03). Hatewatch: Brave in the Dark. splcenter.org Using fake names and fictional avatars, wannabe killers and hatemongers exude courage and commitment to their hateful causes.

ACLU (2019-08-27). New Resource Tool Sheds Light on Government's Prepublication Review System. aclu.org Millions of current and former government employees are subjected to this far-reaching censorship system. | This piece was originally published in Just Security. | For more than three years, the American Civil Liberties Union and the Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University have been litigating a series of Freedom of Information Act requests relating to "prepublication review." Under this far-reaching censorship system, millions of current and former government employees, con…

ACLU (2019-08-23). Will North Carolina's Supreme Court Allow Racism to Remain a Persistent Factor in its Death Penalty? aclu.org North Carolina's Supreme Court will determine whether evidence of racism in capital punishment can be swept under the rug. | In 2009, North Carolina passed the Racial Justice Act (RJA), which allowed defendants to strike the death penalty from their cases if they could show that racial discrimination was a factor in their prosecution. The law came as a response to a series of exonerations of Black people who were falsely convicted of crimes they did not commit by all-white or nearly all-white juries. The legislature took a bold step to address was what suspected to be deeply troubling evidence of racism infe…

Ricardo Vaz (2019-08-14). Venezuela's Maduro Reshuffles Cabinet as Supreme Court Strips Three Opposition Lawmakers of Immunity. venezuelanalysis.com The National Constituent Assembly will also evaluate bringing forward legislative elections.

2019-09-20: Social Media Postees

Attend September 28 demonstration at London's Belmarsh prison to demand freedom for Julian Assange!
wsws.org | 2019-09-20
The rally has been called by the Julian Assange Defence Committee (JADC) to demand Assange's freedom from the high-security jail in London.

Julian Assange: The great unmentionable as Australian leader wines and dines with Trump
wsws.org | 2019-09-20
Were Assange imprisoned by the Chinese, Russian or Iranian regimes, the response of the Australian government would doubtless be very different.

Through the Eyes of Jesselyn Radack: A Look at the Vital Role of Whistleblowers and Their Attorneys
Jimmysllama | mintpressnews.com | 2019-09-20
"By protecting whistleblowers, sources, and online activists, we facilitate robust investigative journalism, hold government to account, protect the freedoms of speech, privacy and the press, and foster the most critical component of democratic society: an informed citizenry." — Whistleblower and Source Protection Program…

US media LAUGHING STOCK of the world: Trump accuses 'fake news' of gutting their credibility
rt.com | 2019-09-20
US President Donald Trump called the US media the "laughing stock of the world" and a "joke" over reports of a spy whistleblower alarmed by his conversations with a foreign leader, which he dismissed as "a political hack job." | Speaking at the Oval Office on Friday, after a meeting with Australian PM Scott Morrison, Trump said he did not know who the alleged whistleblower was, calling the story "ridiculous" and yet another attempt by the "fake news" to make him look bad. | Things get TENSE between President Trump and media… | "Our media has become the laughingstock of the world. When you look at what they d…

Edward Snowden Is a 2020 Election Issue
John Nichols | thenation.com | 2019-09-20
Edward Snowden Is a 2020 Election Issue…

Supreme Court decision hits migrants
Martha Grevatt | workers.org | 2019-09-20
Again and again, the federal government continues to deny im/migrants the most elementary human rights. On Sept. 11, seven of the nine unelected, appointed-for-life "justices" on the U.S. Supreme Court again sided with the Trump administration against asylum seekers. This seven included Elena Kagan and Stephen Breyer, two of the . . . | Continue reading Supreme Court decision hits migrants at Workers.org

Georgia Supreme Court Urges State to Stop Stonewalling In Devonia Inman Case: "Let Justice Be Done"
Liliana Segura | theintercept.com | 2019-09-20
Justice David Nahmias lamented the court's previous refusal to review Devonia Inman's case and expressed grave doubts about Inman's underlying guilt.

The Supreme Court Considers Mandatory Government Funding of Religious Education
aclu.org | 2019-09-20
A case out of Montana could result in the church-state separation being stripped to the bone. | In Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue, the Supreme Court will address a question that would have been unthinkable to ask even until quite recently: Can a state be forced to underwrite religious education with taxpayer dollars? Although the court has previously allowed the government to adopt school-voucher programs that provide indirect government aid to religious schools, it has never suggested that the U.S. Cons…

Roaming Charges: Pompeo and Circumstance
Jeffrey St. Clair | counterpunch.org | 2019-09-20
+ The Saudis want to "fight the Iranians to the last American." — Secretary of Defense Bob Gates, February 2010 + Who needs John Bolton, when you've got Pompeo Maximus declaring the attack on the Abqaiq refineries in Saudi Arabia: "An act of war." + By Pompeo's logic, the death of every Yemeni kid from cholera…

UK worsens Julian Assange's persecution as US seeks extradition
Aaron Maté | thegrayzone.com | 2019-09-19
Kristinn Hrafnsson, editor-in-chief of Wikileaks, says that UK authorities are holding Julian Assange in worse conditions than accused terrorists and…

Russiagate's last stand? #Resistance works itself up over whistleblower complaint on Trump's alleged 'favor to foreign leader'
rt.com | 2019-09-19
Just when you thought the Russiagate horse was well and truly dead, count on House Intelligence chair Adam Schiff to whip it back into life with another saucy tale of collusion, conspiracy and cover-up. | President Donald Trump's alleged "collusion" with Russia to swing the 2016 election has largely been absent from the news of late. After the Mueller Report cleared the president of wrongdoing, and after the damp squib that was Special Counsel Mueller's testimony before Congress in July, the story finally exited the news cycle. | Here comes Congressman Schiff (D-California), determined to breathe new life into…

France rejects Edward Snowden's latest request for asylum
The Canary | thecanary.co | 2019-09-19
France's foreign minister has said "it's not the time" to grant a new asylum request from former US National Security Agency contractor and whistleblower Edward Snowden. | Snowden gained asylum in Russia after Barack Obama's adminstration revoked his passport — rendering him stateless — while he was travelling to Latin America in 2013. The revocation left him stranded in Moscow's Sheremetyevo Airport. Snowden was en route to seek asylum after leaking classified documents detailing government mass surveillance programmes. | Asking France again for asylum this week, he argued that "protecting whistleblowe…

Edward Snowden Speaks
D.D. Guttenplan | thenation.com | 2019-09-19
Edward Snowden Speaks…

"Killer Robots" Could Commit "Atrocities" Says Former Google Engineer
Mac Slavo | globalresearch.ca | 2019-09-19
Laura Nolan, a former Google software engineer who left the company in protest of Project Maven, Google's since-abandoned artificial intelligence development program for military drones, says killer robots could commit atrocities. If governments turn control of their weapons …

Who Needs John Bolton? Trump's Neocons Are Determined to Go to War Against Iran
Timothy Alexander Guzman | globalresearch.ca | 2019-09-19
Following John Bolton's departure from the White House, Saudi Arabia's oil facility was attacked by drones operated by the Houthi rebels of Yemen. Trump and his Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo once again claimed that it was the Iranians …

Mike Pompeo Declares Drone Attack on Saudi Arabia an "Act of War"
Jason Ditz | theantimedia.com | 2019-09-19
Mike Pompeo is declaring what happened "an act of war," and is now looking to use that bellicosity cobble together a coalition against Iran.

Mike Pompeo Declares Drone Attack on Saudi Arabia an "Act of War"

The Ansarullah's Aramco Drone Strike versus "The Real Act of War" against Yemen
Andrew Korybko | globalresearch.ca | 2019-09-19
Pompeo's provocative pronouncement that the Ansarullah's drone strike on Aramco's oil facilities was an "act of war" is extremely hypocritical because it ignores the fact that the Saudis were the ones to initiate the international dimension of the War on …

Trump reviewing target lists as Iran war threat mounts
wsws.org | 2019-09-19
US Secretary of State Pompeo described Saturday's attacks on Saudi oil installations as "an act of war," attributing them–still with no evidence–to Iran.

Stockholm Syndrome: Julian Assange And The Limits Of Guardian Dissent
Media Lens | dissidentvoice.org | 2019-09-18
Nothing happened on September 2 in central London. Roger Waters, co-founder of Pink Floyd, did not initiate a protest outside the Home Office. He did not sing and play the Floyd classic 'Wish You Were Here', or say: Julian Assange, we are with you. Free Julian Assange! The renowned journalist and film-maker John Pilger did …

Big Brother is watching you (from afar): US spies seek long-range facial recognition capabilities
rt.com | 2019-09-18
US intelligence agencies are looking to enhance their facial recognition capabilities with technology that can identify people from hundreds of meters away, potentially transforming drones into biometrically accurate spy cameras. | The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) wants any and all information that could help current biometric surveillance tech overcome the inaccuracy that comes with distance, according to a request for information posted by the In…

Trump Brushes Israeli Dragnet Surveillance of D.C. Under the Rug
Alexander Rubinstein | mintpressnews.com | 2019-09-17
"Donald Trump has had a closer relationship with Israeli leaders than any president in American history. I think he genuinely doesn't care that the Israelis spy on the United States. I think he doesn't see the harm in this and does not feel threatened by it." — CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou…

US sues Snowden for violating 'CIA & NSA non-disclosure pact' with his new book, but it also wants the proceeds
rt.com | 2019-09-17
The US government has filed a lawsuit against the National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden, alleging that his newly-published memoir 'Permanent Record' violates nondisclosure agreements he signed with the CIA and NSA. | The civil lawsuit, filed on Tuesday, claims that Snowden violated these agreements by not sending a draft of the book to the spy agencies for review — and presumably redaction — before publication. It also alleges that the whistleblower's public speeches on "intelligence-related matters" violated the agreements. | Rather than pull the book from the shelves, the government…

Trump Sweeps Israeli Dragnet Surveillance of Washington DC Under the Rug
Alexander Rubinstein | theantimedia.com | 2019-09-17
The culprit behind a massive spying scandal in the U.S. capital has been exposed.

Trump Sweeps Israeli Dragnet Surveillance of Washington DC Under the Rug

Riyadh reaps what it sows: Yemeni drone attack devastates Saudi oil production
unitedEditor | uwidata.com | 2019-09-17
Yemen's Ansar Allah has officially claimed responsibility for the drone attacks against ARAMCO oil facilities which resulted in Saudi Arabia's oil production being cut in half. Nonetheless, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, President Donald Trump and Saudi officials are claiming that Iran was actually the one responsible for the attack. The world's largest oil processing …

Venezuela: Elements of opposition reach deal with Maduro government
Fight Back | fightbacknews.org | 2019-09-16
Chicago, IL – On Monday September 16, the leaders of several opposition parties arrived at the Foreign Ministry in downtown Caracas to participate in the Roundtable of National Dialogue organized by the elected government of Nicolás Maduro. The Roundtable was established in the aftermath of the fascist violence in 2017, which was a response to the Supreme Court's decision to strip the National Assembly of its powers after its refusal to adhere to the country's constitution. | On the first day of the meeting, representatives from the government and the opposition parties announced six agreements that ha…

Outing of CIA's Kremlin mole echoes Iraq WMD hoax
Aaron Maté | thegrayzone.com | 2019-09-15
The outing of a CIA informant inside of the Kremlin raises new questions about the Russia investigation and the intelligence…

Trump and Mexico: a step toward restoring order on the border
unitedEditor | uwidata.com | 2019-09-14
On Wednesday, the US Supreme Court reaffirmed the president's right to limit asylum requests for migrants from Central and South America. Trump hailed the decision as a "big victory," while his opponents issued heavy criticism. According to the new ruling, migrants who cross over the United States' southern border will be required to prove that …

Embassy insider exposes CNN lies about Julian Assange
Aaron Maté | thegrayzone.com | 2019-09-06
A "bombshell" CNN report claimed to show how Wikileaks founder Julian Assange published stolen Democratic Party emails in 2016 in…

Rift Exposed: A Desertion Robbed League of the South of Its Longtime Headquarters and Hints that a Member Chose His Real Estate Holdings over Southern Culture
Brett Barrouquere | splcenter.org | 2019-09-04
League of the South (LOS), a neo-Confederate organization that advocates for Southern secession, has been roiled by a key defection that resulted in the group losing its headquarters in Wetumpka, Alabama, about 20 miles north of Montgomery.

The Last Word: When Dollars Matter 
More Than Decency
Keegan Hankes, Intelligence Project | splcenter.org | 2019-09-03
As America's technology and financial giants struggle, or refuse, to curb hate on their platforms, far-right extremists leverage them to build war chests that promote bigotry and violence.

Spurned & Burned: Anti-Muslim Extremists Rebuff Prominent Chapter Leader
Intelligence Report Staff | splcenter.org | 2019-09-03
Images of the World Trade Center in flames exposed a schism between a notable hate group's activists and its aspirations, leading to a prominent member's resignation.

Out of the Darkness: Conversion Therapist Quits 'Ex-Gay' Movement
Intelligence Report Staff | splcenter.org | 2019-09-03
According to Truth Wins Out, Matheson's fellow ex-gay leader Rich Wyler announced his exit in a post to a private Facebook group. TWO "goes undercover to expose 'ex-gay' conversion leaders as hypocritical frauds that have not actually changed their sexual orientation," its website states.

Identity Unmasked: Meet the Proprietors of the Internet's Largest Neo-Confederate Propaganda Machine
splcenter.org | 2019-09-03
A small Facebook campaign predicated on keeping Confederate monuments in place has morphed into a group of more than 200 ardent, secretive separatists planning to make the South a separate nation.

Hatewatch: Brave in the Dark
splcenter.org | 2019-09-03
Using fake names and fictional avatars, wannabe killers and hatemongers exude courage and commitment to their hateful causes.

New Resource Tool Sheds Light on Government's Prepublication Review System
aclu.org | 2019-08-27
Millions of current and former government employees are subjected to this far-reaching censorship system. | This piece was originally published in Just Security. | For more than three years, the American Civil Liberties Union and the Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University have been litigating a series of Freedom of Information Act requests relating to "prepublication review." Under this far-reaching censorship system, millions of current and former government employees, con…

Will North Carolina's Supreme Court Allow Racism to Remain a Persistent Factor in its Death Penalty?
aclu.org | 2019-08-23
North Carolina's Supreme Court will determine whether evidence of racism in capital punishment can be swept under the rug. | In 2009, North Carolina passed the Racial Justice Act (RJA), which allowed defendants to strike the death penalty from their cases if they could show that racial discrimination was a factor in their prosecution. The law came as a response to a series of exonerations of Black people who were falsely convicted of crimes they did not commit by all-white or nearly all-white juries. The legislature took a bold step to address was what suspected to be deeply troubling evidence of racism infe…